Contact your IBM sales representative or reseller for more information about the
various DS5020 and options.
Operating system supportFor supported operating systems, see the latest DS Storage Manager host software
readme file and the IBM DS4000 and DS5000 series products interoperability matrix
at the following Web site for additional host operating system support:
See “Finding DS5020 and DS4000-family readme files” on page xxiv to learn how
to access the DS5020 readme files on the Web.
Fibre Channel definedFibre Channel technology is outlined in the SCSI-3 Fibre Channel Protocol
(SCSI-FCP) standard. Fibre Channel is a high-speed data transport technology that
is used for mass storage and networking.
Using a Fibre Channel arbitrated loop (FC-AL), more than 100 Fibre Channel
devices can be supported, compared to 15 small computer system interface (SCSI)
devices. The Fibre Channel connection speed from the storage subsystem to
storage expansion enclosures is 4 Gbps, and enables data transfer rates up to 400
Mbps half-duplex and 800 Mbps full-duplex on optical interfaces.
SATAdefinedThe Serial Advanced TechnologyAttachment (SATA) interface offers increased data
rate performance over Parallel Advanced TechnologyAttachment (ATA), while
maintaining the benefits of ATA.SATA is designed to overcome the performance
barriers that have been forecasted for current parallel technologies while
maintaining the cost-efficiency of Parallel ATA.SATAspecifications allow for thinner,
more flexible cables, and lower pin counts. It also enables easier, more flexible
cable routing management and the use of smaller connectors than is possible with
the existing Parallel ATAtechnology.
The Serial ATAWorking Group introduced the first SATAspecification, Serial ATA
1.0, in 2001 (http://www.serialata.org).
iSCSI definedThe Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI) is an IP-based standard for
linking data storage devices over a network and transferring data by carrying SCSI
commands over IP networks.
Inventory checklistAfter you unpack the DS5020, verify that you have the following items.
Note: Depending on your DS5020 order, your shipping box might contain additional
materials not listed in the following checklist. Review the inventory checklist
included in the DS5020 shipping box for any additional parts, and use that
checklist in combination with the following information.
– E-DDMs or blank trays (16) (Yourstorage subsystem might come with up to
16 E-DDMs.)
Chapter1. Introduction 3