Argument: See below.
struct _NVM_XFER {
UWord16 offset; // Offset from byte 0
UWord16 size; // Size in bytes
typedef struct _NVM_XFER NVM_XFER, *PTR_NVM_XFER;
Note: Use the McbReadDataMem function to read data from scratch pad. The offset term in the data
structure determines the offset address relative to the NVM part. This command allows the host to
retrieve any portion or all of the current NVM contents.
Do not confuse access to this memory block with the portion of the global configuration data structure
that has a structure member that contains the shadow version. On boot data from the NVM part is
loaded into the global data structure for real time use by the software.
See XAppendix DX for information on how the memory is mapped on the serial NVM part.
Description: Write a block of memory to the serial peripheral Dallas non-volatile memory (NVM) from
the scratch pad buffer.
Command Code: Enumeration for CMD_SET_NVM_DATA
Argument Size: size of NVM_XFER
Argument: See paragraph X5.3.10X
Note: Use the McbWriteDataMem function to move data into scratch pad. The offset term in the data
structure determines the offset address relative to the NVM part.
Do not confuse access to this memory block with the portion of the global configuration data structure
that has a structure member that contains the shadow version. On boot data from the NVM part is
loaded into the global data structure for real time use by the software.
See XAppendix DX for information on how the memory is mapped on the serial NVM part.
Description: Calls the focus-out routine, which enables the focus motor in the forward direction for
Command Code: Enumeration for CMD_FOCUS_MOTOR_FAR
Argument Size: 0
Argument: Null
Note: none.
Description: Calls the focus-in routine, which enables the focus motor in the reverse direction for
Command Code: Enumeration for CMD_FOCUS_MOTOR_NEAR
Argument Size: 0
Argument: Null
Note: none.