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InFocus IN5132C, IN5135C, IN5134C, IN5144C, IN5142C, IN5145C user manual

IN5145C, IN5142C, IN5144C, IN5132C, IN5134C specifications

The InFocus IN5144C, IN5135C, IN5132C, IN5145C, and IN5142C represent a sophisticated lineup of projectors designed to meet the demands of both professional and educational environments. Each model boasts unique features and specifications, making them suitable for a variety of presentation needs.

The IN5144C stands out with its powerful brightness of 5,500 lumens, making it an excellent choice for large venues with high ambient light. This model features WUXGA resolution (1920 x 1200), ensuring that detailed graphics and text are displayed crisply. The IN5144C employs DLP technology, which provides vibrant colors and sharp images, alongside a robust contrast ratio that enhances the viewing experience. Its diverse connectivity options, including HDMI, VGA, and USB, make it versatile for different media sources.

In contrast, the IN5135C is designed for slightly smaller settings. With a brightness of 5,000 lumens and XGA resolution (1024 x 768), this projector is perfect for classrooms and conference rooms. It offers similar DLP technology and features a quick startup time for presentations on the go, ensuring you spend less time setting up and more time delivering impactful content.

Meanwhile, the IN5132C serves as a compact option, maintaining a brightness of 4,300 lumens and XGA resolution. This model focuses on portability without compromising on performance. The lightweight design and easy-to-navigate menus make it user-friendly, allowing presenters to switch between different input sources effortlessly.

The IN5145C is a feature-rich option that combines 5,200 lumens brightness with WUXGA resolution, catering specifically to those who require high-performance in varied lighting conditions. Its advanced lamp life and high-efficiency cooling system ensure longer use and less maintenance downtime, making it a reliable choice for continuous operation.

Lastly, the IN5142C balances power and flexibility, featuring 5,000 lumens brightness while also supporting 4K input. This makes it ideal for displaying high-definition content in larger venues, while its built-in network capabilities allow for remote management and monitoring of projector status.

Together, these models provide a comprehensive range of options for anyone seeking reliable and high-quality projection solutions, whether for business, education, or home theater use. With their advanced technologies, including DLP projection, varied brightness levels, and multiple connectivity options, InFocus projectors ensure that presentations are not only engaging but also visually compelling.