Welcome 4
Features 4
Packagecontents 4
Productoverview 5
Homescreen 6
Getstarted 7
Chargethe batt ery 8
Turnon your tabletfor the first time 8
Understand the basics 9
Turnyour ta bleton o r off 9
Restartyour tablet 10
Adjustthe volume 10
Navigatewith gestures 11
Navigatewith on-screen function buttons 12
Usethe Recents screen 12
Usethe keyboard 13
Downloadapps 14
Captureand view a screenshot 15
Viewa status item or no tification 15
Checkfor updates 16
Adda new user account 18
Change basic settings 22
Customizethe Home screen 22
Customizethe lockscreen 24
Setthe date and time 26
Adjustthe screen brightness 26
Adjustthe power saving settings 27
Settingthe screen font size 27
Adjustsystemsounds 28
Selectyourlanguage 28
Connect to a computer 31
Transferor download an e-book 32
Set up wireless connection s 32
Connectto a Wi-F i network 32
Adda Wi-Fi netw ork 33
Checknetwork status 35
Connectto a Bluetooth device 35
Use the Internet 35
Viewweb pages 36
Searchfor text on a web page 36
Copytext on a w eb page 37
Checkand clear history 38
Managedownloads 39
InsigniaNS-1 5AT08 8" Wi-FiAndroid Tablet