1. Onthe home screen, touch ,then touch Email.
Toopen a different account,touch inthe upper-left
corner,then select a differentaccount.
2. Touch .
3. Enterthe recipient's emailaddress. As you enter the address,your tablet displaysyour
contactsthat match the charactersyou've entered. You can toucha contactor continue
enteringthe address.
Ifyou want to send the email to morethan one person,
separatethe email addresseswith a comma.
4. Entera subject in the subjectfield (optional).
5. Enteryour message, then touch SEND when you are finished.
Youcan touch Save draft or the Return key to save your
emailas a draft. To access your drafts,touch inthe
upper-leftcorner, then touch Drafts.
InsigniaNS-1 5AT08 8" Wi-FiAndroid Tablet