What should Ido ifthere is no sound coming from my tablet?
lIflistening through headphones,unplug andr econnectyour headphones.Make sure that
theconnector is pushedin all the way.
lIflistening through your tablet'sspeakers, unplug anydevices connectedto theheadphone
lThevolume may be mutedor set too low. Increase the volumesetting. See Adjust the
volume (on page10).
lCheckthe software volume in Settings. See Adjust system sounds (on page28).
Why is the actual storage less than storage inthe s pecification?
lYourtablet has the full amountof storage listed in the specification.However, some of this
spaceis used for systemapplications and datafiles.
MaintenancelKeepyour tablet dry.
lAvoidexposing yourtablet to extreme hot or cold temperatures.
lAvoidplacing your tabletclose to lit cigarettes, openflames, or any heat source.
lDonot drop, knock, or shake your tablet. Rough handlingmay break internal circuitboards.
lKeepyour tablet in a clean anddust-free place.
Disclaimer:BestBuy does not recommendthe use of any ammonia or alcohol-basedcleaners
onthe LCD screenor plastic casing.Some chemical cleanershave been reported to damage the
screenor display case.Best Buy w illnot be liable for damage resultingfrom the use of any
ammoniaor alcohol-basedcleaners.
SpecificationsSpecificationsare subjectto change without notice.
InsigniaNS-1 5AT08 8" Wi-FiAndroid Tablet