Managebookmarks 40
Use email 41
Setup an email account 42
Manageemailaccounts 42
Viewemails 43
Createemails 45
Use Gmail 46
Setup a Gmail account 46
ManageGmail accounts 46
ViewGmails 48
CreateGmails 49
Create and manage contacts 50
Use the calendar 50
Work with photos and video 50
Usethe camera 50
Viewphotos and video 52
Editphotos 53
Sharephotos or videos 53
Listen to music 54
Controlplayback 54
Createa playlist 54
Protect yourda taand tabl et 54
Setand use the screen lock 55
Encryptyour data 56
Manage storage space 58
Viewstorage space 58
Clearapp cache and data 59
Uninstallapps 60
Deletea user account or profile 61
Freeup stor age space 61
Resetto default settings 62
Troubleshooting 62
Maintenance 63
Specifications 63
Customer support 64
Safety information 64
Legal notices 65
One-Year Limited Warranty 68
InsigniaNS-1 5AT08 8" Wi-FiAndroid Tablet