TheDistributor* of Insignia brandedproducts warrants to you, theoriginal purchaser of thisnew
Insignia-brandedproduct(“Pr oduct”),that the Product shall be free of defectsin the original
manufacturerof the materialor w orkmanshipfor a period of one(1) yearfrom the date of your
purchaseof the Product (“Warranty Period”).
Forthis warranty to apply, your Product must be purchasedin the United States or Canada from a
BestBuy branded or Future Shop branded retail storeor online at www.bestbuy.com,
www.bestbuy.ca,or www .futureshop.caand is packagedwith this warranty statement.
How long does the coverage last?
TheWarranty Period lasts for 1 year (365 days)from the date you purchasedthe Product. Your
purchasedate is printedon the receipt you receivedwith the Product.
What does this warrantyc over?
Duringthe Warranty Period, if the originalmanufacture of the material or workmanshipof the
Productis determined to be defectiveby an authorizedInsignia repair center or storepersonnel,
Insigniawill (at itssole option): (1) repair thePr oductwith new or rebuilt parts; or( 2)replace the
Productat no charge with new or rebuiltcomparable productsor parts. Products andparts
replacedunder this warranty becomethe property of Insignia and are not returned to you. If
serviceof Products or parts are required after the Warranty Period expires,you must pay all labor
andparts charges. This warranty lastsas long as you own your Insignia Product duringthe
WarrantyPeriod. Warranty coverage terminatesif you sell or otherwise transfer the Product.
How to obtain warrantyservice?
Ifyou purchased the Product at a Best Buy or Future Shop retail store location,please take your
originalreceipt and the Product to anyB estB uyor FutureShop store. Make sure that you place
theProduct in its originalpackaging or packagingthat provides the sameamount of protection as
theoriginal packaging.If you purchased the Productfrom a Best Buy or Future Shop online web
site(www .bestbuy.com,www.bestbuy.ca, or www.futureshop.ca), mailyour original receipt and
theProduct to the address listedon the web site. Make sure that youput the Product in its original
packagingor packagingthat provides the sameamount of protection asthe original packaging.
Toobtain warranty service, in the UnitedS tatescall 1-888-BESTBUY , Canada call1-866-
BESTBUY for Future Shop call 1-800-663-2275.C allagents may diagnose and correctthe issue
overthe phone.
Where is the warrantyvalid?
Thiswarranty is valid onlyin the United States and Canada at Best Buy or Future Shop branded
retailstores or websites to theoriginal purchaser of the productin the county where the original
purchasewas made.
What does the warranty not cover?
Thiswarranty does not cover:
lSetup adjustments
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