Delete an email account

1. Onthe home screen, touch ,then Settings.
2. UnderAC COUNTS, touch theyour email account type (Corporate,Google, or IMAP).
3. Touchthe account youw ant todelete.
4. Touch , then Remove account.
5. TouchRemove account.

Change email account settings

1. Onthe home screen, touch ,then Email.
2. Touch , then Settings.
3. Changeyour email account settingsas needed.
lOnthe home screen, touch ,then Email.
Ifyou have more than one emailaccount, the last account
youused opens. To opena different account, touch inthe
upper-leftcorner, then selecta different account.
lDragyour finger up and down to scrollthrough your emails.
lTouchan email to open it.
lTouch in the upper-left corner to displayfolders or select a different emailaccount.
lTouch to search.
InsigniaNS-1 5AT08 8" Wi-Fi Android Tablet