Insignia NS-H4005 Home Theater System

Selecting the sound mode for a DVD

To select the sound mode for a DVD:

1While the DVD is playing, press AUDIO to select 2-channel or 5.1 channel audio.

2If you selected 2-channel, press SOUND MODE one or more times to select BYPASS, PROL, MOVIE, MUSIC, MTRX, or 3D SUR.


If you selected 5.1 channel, press SOUND MODE.

Selecting the sound mode for a CD

To select the sound mode for a CD:

Press SOUND MODE one or more times to select BYPASS, PROLOGIC, MUSIC, MATRIX, or 3D SURR.

Repeating a DVD chapter or title

To repeat a DVD chapter or title:

1While the DVD is playing, press REPEAT. The Repeat Chapter icon appears on the TV screen, and your home theater system repeats the currently playing chapter.

2Press REPEAT again. The Repeat Title icon appears on the TV screen, and your home theater system repeats the currently playing title.

3To resume normal playback, press REPEAT. The Repeat Off icon appears on the TV screen, and your home theater system resumes normal playback.

Repeating an audio, MP3, or WMA track or CD

To repeat an audio, MP3, or WMA track or CD:

1While the CD is playing, press REPEAT. The Repeat icon and TRACK appear in the display window.

2Press REPEAT again. The Repeat icon and ALL appear in the display window.

3To resume normal playback, press REPEAT. The Repeat icon and OFF appear in the display window.