Intel AP440FX Heads, Sectors, Maximum Capacity, IDE Translation Mode, Multiple Sector Setting

Models: AP440FX

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Motherboard BIOS and Setup Utility

If IDE Device Configuration is set to User Definable, you must type the correct number of heads for your IDE device.

If IDE Device Configuration is set to Auto Configured, this reports the number of heads for your IDE device and cannot be modified.

If IDE Device Configuration is set to User Definable, you must type the correct number of sectors for your IDE device.

If IDE Device Configuration is set to Auto Configured, this reports the number of sectors for your IDE device and cannot be modified. Capacity

Reports the maximum capacity of your IDE device. It is calculated from the number of cylinders, heads, and sectors. There are no options. Translation Mode

Specifies the IDE translation mode. The options are:

Standard CHS (standard cylinder head sectorless than 1024 cylinders)

Logical Block

Extended CHS (extended cylinder head sectorgreater than 1024 cylinders)

Auto Detected (BIOS detects IDE drive support for LBA) (default)


Do not change the IDE Translation Mode from the option selected when the hard drive was formatted. Changing the option can result in corrupted data. Sector Setting

Sets the number of sectors transferred by an IDE drive per interrupt generated. The options are:


4 Sectors/Block

8 Sectors/Block

Auto Detected (default)

Check the specifications for your IDE device drive to determine which setting provides optimum performance for your drive. Programmed I/O Modes

Sets how fast transfers on the IDE interface occur. The options are:


Auto Detected (default)

If set to Disabled, transfers occur at a less than optimized speed. If set to Auto Detected, transfers occur at the drive's maximum speed.


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Intel AP440FX Heads, Sectors, Maximum Capacity, IDE Translation Mode, Multiple Sector Setting, Fast Programmed I/O Modes