Intel AP440FX Num Lock, Setup Prompt, Hard Disk Pre-Delay, Typematic Rate Programming

Models: AP440FX

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Motherboard BIOS and Setup Utility Lock

Sets the state of the Num Lock feature on your keyboard when you boot. The options are:

Off (default)

On Prompt

Turns on (or off) the “Press <F1> Key if you want to run Setup” prompt during the power-up sequence. The options are:


Enabled (default)


This option has no effect on your ability to access the Setup program. It only toggles the prompt. Disk Pre-Delay

Sets the hard disk drive pre-delay. The options are:

Disabled (default)

3 seconds

6 seconds

9 seconds

12 seconds

15 seconds

21 seconds

30 seconds

When enabled, this option causes the BIOS to wait the specified time before it accesses the first hard drive.

If your computer contains a hard drive, and you don’t see the drive type displayed during boot-up, the hard drive may need more time before it is able to communicate with the controller. Setting a pre-delay provides additional time for the hard drive to initialize. Rate Programming

Sets the typematic rates. The options are:

Default (default)


Choosing Override enables the Typematic Rate Delay and Typematic Rate setup options.


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Intel AP440FX specifications Num Lock, Setup Prompt, Hard Disk Pre-Delay, Typematic Rate Programming