Intel AP440FX specifications Exit Screen

Models: AP440FX

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Motherboard BIOS and Setup Utility Administrative Password

Sets the Administrative password. The password can be up to seven alphanumeric characters.

3.14.14Exit Screen

This section describes the different ways to exit and save or not save changes made in the Setup program. Saving Changes

Saves the changes to CMOS RAM and exits the Setup program. You can also press the <F10> key anywhere in the Setup program to initiate this. Discarding Changes

Exits the Setup program without saving any changes. This means that any changes made while in the Setup program are discarded and NOT SAVED. Pressing the <Esc> key in any of the four main screens initiates this activity. Setup Defaults

Resets all of the Setup options to their defaults. You can also press the <F5> key anywhere in the Setup program to initiate this.

This selection loads the default Setup values from the ROM table. Changes

Discards any changes you made during the current Setup session without exiting the program. You can also press the <F6> key anywhere in the Setup program to initiate this.

This selection loads the CMOS RAM values that were present when the computer was turned on.


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Intel AP440FX specifications Exit Screen