26 Specification Update
HSD31. MSR_PERF_STATUS May Report an Incorrect Core Voltage
Problem: The core operating voltage can be determined by dividing MSR_PERF_STATUS MSR
(198H) bits [47:32] by 2^13. However, due to this erratum, this calculation may report
half the actual core voltage.
Implication: The core operating voltage may be reported incorrectly.
Workaround: It is possible for the BIOS to contain a workaround for this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Table of Changes.
HSD32. PCIe* Atomic Transactions From Two or More PCIe Controllers May Cause Starvation
Problem: On a Processor PCIe controller configuration in which two or more controllers receive
concurrent atomic transactions, a PCIe controller may experience starvation which
eventually can lead to a completion timeout.
Implication: Atomic transactions from two or more PCIe controllers may lead to a completion
timeout. Atomic transactions from only one controller will not be affected by this
erratum. Intel has not observed this erratum with any commercially available device.
Workaround: None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Table of Changes.
HSD33. The Corrected Error Count Overflow Bit in IA32_ MC0_STATUS is Not Updated After a UC Error is Logged
Problem: When a UC (uncorrected) error is logged in the IA32_MC0_STATUS MSR (401H),
corrected errors will continue to update the lower 14 bits (bits 51:38) of the Corrected
Error Count. Due to this erratum, the sticky count overflow bit (bit 52) of the Corrected
Error Count will not get updated after a UC error is logged.
Implication: The Corrected Error Count Overflow indication will be lost if the overflow occurs after an
uncorrectable error has been logged.
Workaround: None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Table of Changes.
HSD34. An AVX Gather Instruction That Causes an EPT Violation May Not Update Previous Elements
Problem: When execution of an AVX gather instruction causes an EPT (extended page table)
violation due to a specific element, all previous elements should be complete. Due to
this erratum, such an execution may fail to complete previous elements. In addition,
the instruction's mask operand is not updated. This erratum applies only if the EPT
violation occurs while updating an accessed or dirty flag in a paging-structure entry.
Instructions impacted by this erratum are: VGATHERDPS, VGATHERDPD, VGATHERQPS,
Implication: This erratum may prevent a gather instruction from making forward progress.
Workaround: It is possible for the BIOS to contain a workaround for this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Table of Changes.