34 Specification Update
HSD66. A PCIe* LTR Update Message May Cause The Processor to HangProblem: If a PCIe device sends an LTR (Latency Tolerance Report) update message while the
processor is in a package C6 or deeper, the processor may hang.
Implication: Due to this Erratum the processor may hang if a PCIe LTR update message is received
while in a Package C6 or deeper.
Workaround: It is possible for the BIOS to contain a workaround for this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Table of Changes.
HSD67. GETSEC Does Not Report Support For S-CRTMProblem: Processors with Intel® Boot Guard Technology that has GETSEC[PARAMETERS] leaf 5
EAX bit 5 set indicates support for processor rooted S-CTRM (Static Core Root of Trust
for Measurement). Due to this erratum, that bit will not be set even though processor
rooted S-CRTM is supported.
Implication: Software may be unaware of support for processor rooted S-CTRM.
Workaround: It is possible for the BIOS to contain a workaround for this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Table of Changes.
HSD68. EPT Violations May Report Bits 11:0 of Guest Linear Address IncorrectlyProblem: If a memory access to a linear address requires the processor to update an accessed or
dirty flag in a paging-structure entry and if that update causes an EPT violation, the
processor should store the linear address into the “guest linear address” field in the
VMCS. Due to this erratum, the processor may store an incorrect value into bits 11:0 of
this field. (The processor correctly stores the guest-physical address of the paging-
structure entry into the “guest-physical address” field in the VMCS.)
Implication: Software may not be easily able to determine the page offset of the original memory
access that caused the EPT violation. Intel has not observed this erratum to impact the
operation of any commercially available software.
Workaround: Software requiring the page offset of the original memory access address can derive it
by simulating the effective address computation of the instruction that caused the EPT
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Table of Changes.
HSD69. APIC Timer Might Not Signal an Interrupt While in TSC-Deadline ModeProblem: If the APIC timer is in TSC-deadline mode and is armed when a timed MWAIT
instruction is executed, the timer expiration might not cause an interrupt.
Implication: Software depending on APIC timer TSC-deadline mode interrupts may not behave as
Workaround: It is possible for the BIOS to contain a workaround for this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Table of Changes.