Integrating Portable and Distributed Storage
Niraj Tolia†‡, Jan Harkes†, Michael Kozuch‡, M. Satyanarayanan†‡
†Carnegie Mellon University, ‡Intel Research Pittsburgh
We describe a technique called lookaside caching that combines the strengths of distributed file systems and portable storage devices, while negating their weaknesses. In spite of its simplicity, this tech- nique proves to be powerful and versatile. By unifying distributed storage and portable storage into a single abstraction, lookaside caching allows users to treat devices they carry as merely perfor- mance and availability assists for distant file servers. Careless use of portable storage has no catastrophic consequences.
1 Introduction
Floppy disks were the sole means of sharing data across users and computers in the early days of per- sonal computing. Although they were trivial to use, considerable discipline and foresight was required of users to ensure data consistency and availability, and to avoid data loss — if you did not have the right floppy at the right place and time, you were in trouble! These limitations were overcome by the emergence of dis- tributed file systems such as NFS [17], Netware [8], LanManager [24], and AFS [7]. In such a system, re- sponsibility for data management is delegated to the distributed file system and its operational staff.
Personal storage has come full circle in the recent past. There has been explosive growth in the avail- ability of USB- and
We focus on these and related questions in this pa- per. We describe a technique called lookaside caching
that combines the strengths of distributed file sys- tems and portable storage devices, while negating their weaknesses. In spite of its simplicity, this technique proves to be powerful and versatile. By unifying “stor- age in the cloud” (distributed storage) and “storage in the hand” (portable storage) into a single abstraction, lookaside caching allows users to treat devices they carry as merely performance and availability assists for distant file servers. Careless use of portable storage has no catastrophic consequences.
Lookaside caching has very different goals and de- sign philosophy from a PersonalRAID system [18], the only previous research that we are aware of on us- age models for portable storage devices. Our starting point is the
We begin in Section 2 by examining the strengths and weaknesses of portable storage and distributed file systems. In Sections 3 and 4, we describe the design and implementation of lookaside caching. We quantify the performance benefit of lookaside caching in Sec- tion 5, using three different benchmarks. We explore broader use of lookaside caching in Section 6, and con- clude in Section 7 with a summary.