Switch — Converter — Converter — S witch
In the conguration below, the converters functi on as a high-speed
bridge between switches, creating increased c apacity for each user
(node) on the local area network and providing a 1000 Mbps full duplex
link to a variety of Gigabit Ethernet network devices w ithin a LAN.
In the conguration below, redundant link converters function as a high-
speed bridge between switches, creating incre ased capacity for each
user (node) on the local area network and providing a 10/100/1000 Mbps
full duplex link to a variety of Fast or Gigabit Ethernet network devic es
within a LAN.
Switch — Converter — Converter — S erver
In the conguration below, the converters funct ion as a server aggregation
for an enterprise or LAN conguration, p roviding a 1000 Mbps full duplex
link to a workgroup of 10/100 switches located on separate oors within
a single building.