Chapter 3: Programming the Peripherals

T1/E1/J1 Framer Initialization


This section details the QuadFALC register initialization, assuming that for non-specified registers, the initialization is the default value (which is generally 0x00). 4538 Boot Firmware sources provides routines to initialize the framers in T1/J1 or E1 mode. Developers should to refer to them.

See Boot Firmware sources: tst\c\qfalc.c)


At the end of a QuadFALC port configuration register initialization, it is recommended that you reset the transmitter and receiver by setting XRES and RRES bits in CMDR register.

See Boot Firmware sources: tst\c\qfalc.c - Function vFalcWriteCMDR

Master Clock Initialization

The Master Clock provided on the MCLK pin of the QuadFALC devices is at 12.5 MHz. See Boot Firmware sources: tst\c\qfalc.c - Functions gvQFalcSetPortSyncSrc and gvQFalcSetPortSyncSrcPT.

Table 3-1. GCM Register Programming


Register at 12.5 MHz

*&0￿ ￿[￿%

*&0￿ ￿[￿'

*&0￿ ￿[$&

*&0￿ ￿[￿￿

*&0￿ ￿[￿￿

*&0￿ ￿[￿￿

TDM Busses General Structure

TDM busses general structure allows four configurations. These different modes are selected by programming the SWMODE_N (PA7) and COMCLK_N (PA0) signals, the TDM ports and the QuadFALC registers.

4538 Hardware Reference Manual