6.2.4. LVAL a-synchronous accumulation
The CV-A33CL has LVAL a-synchronous accumulations only. The accumulation will start 28 ∝sec. after the trigger leading edge. EEN will indicate the accumulation time. When the accumulation stops after the selected shutter time, the LVAL phase is reset and restarted.
1 LVAL = 16.825 ∝sec.
16.8 ∝sec.
Delay 28 ∝sec.
Fig. 16. LVAL a-synchronous accumulation
In CV-A33 with LVAL a-synchronous accumulation a new trigger can be input and start a new exposure during the previous frame read out. But the exposure may not be finished before the frame is read out. It makes it possible to have a trigger rate close to the frame rate.
The minimum trigger interval should be >(1FVAL + 1 LVAL).
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