• Sincethe controlsare apush-turntype, they must bepushed inbeforeturning. To set (from
the OFFposition), push inonthe control knoband turn in eitherdirection todesired setting.
Whenthe controlisinanyposition, other than OFF, itmaybeturned in anydirection without
pushing in.
For the left rear dual element control, push the control knob in and turn right for the large
element or left for thesmall element.
A green indicator light will glow when a surfaceheating element is ON.Therearefour
indicator lights, one for each element.
The hot surface light will glow red to indicate that a cooking area is hot. This light will remain
on untilthe area has cooled.
1.Left rear dualelement I _ _ _ _ _
2. Left front element _ _ _
:3.Right front element -- _ --\ /----y---J
4. Rightrear element _. 2. _. _.
Thesize and type of cookware and the amount and type of foodbeing cooked will influencethe
setting needed for best cooking results. Electrical voltagemay also vary, which will affect the
needed controlsetting. The setting indicated should serve as aguide while you become familiar
with your range.
Hi A fast heatto start cooking quickly, to bring liquidsto a boil, to preheat oilfor deep fat
7-10 (Medium High) For fast frying or browning foods,to maintain rapid boil of large
amounts of food, to maintain oil temperature for deep fat frying.
5-6 (Medium) Forfoods cooked in adoubleboiler, sauteing, slow boil of large amounts
of food and most frying.
3-4 (Medium Lo) To continue cooking foods started on higher settings.
Lo-2 Maintaining serving temperatures of foods, simmering foods,melting butter or
The controls offer flexibility in setting selection. Onsettings other than Hi, you may adjust the
control aboveor below the numbered setting for best results.Suggested settings are provided
as general guidelines.