The ovenrackscanbecleanedintheoven. However,the ovenrackswilldiscolor,
loseshininess,and becomedifficultto slide in and outif left inthe oven during the
WILL BE OBJECTIONABLE. Asa suggestion,do notleavethe racksin the oven
duringeachself-cleaningprocessif they do notneed tobe cleanedsince they will
discolortoa dull silverafter onecleaning.Moderatelysoiledrackscan becleaned
with asoapy S.O.S. pad or Scotch-Britescour pad, Stubbornstains needto be
removedintheself-cleaningprocess. Besureto readspecialtips onpage37if oven
racksare cleanedduring the self-cleaningprocess.
*Omitsteps4 & 5 if you wish cleaning to begin immediately.

To set oven to start cleaningimmediately

1. Closethe ovendoor.
2. Touch Clean Pad.
IndicatorWords CLEAN TIME willflash and Displaywill show" HR : __ ".
3.Touch the appropriatenumberpad(s),
Thefirst numberpad touchedwill enter"3:00"in the Displayfor an average soiled
oven. Thecleaningtimecanbevarieddependingontheamount ofsoil. Set"2:00"
for lightsoil or "4:00" for heavy soil.
Note: If more than five seconds elapse between touching a Clean Padand
touchinga numberpad,the ovenisno._ttset andtimeof daywillautomaticallyreturn
to the Display,
Example: Ifat9o'clock youselectedtoself-cleanyourovenfor3 hours,theDisplay
willshow: I ,oo.]
Five seconds after entering"3:00" or a different time, the oven door will start to
automaticallylatch andthecoolingfanwillcome on. The LOCKIndicatorWordwill
come on when thedoor is latched.
Note: Ifovendoorwasleftopen,theword "door"will flashintheDisplayandasignal
will continuouslybeep untilthe door is closed and the Clean Pad istouched.
The IndicatorWordONcomesonwhenthe dooris latchedand will remain untilthe
cleantemperatureis reached.The IndicatorWordONwillcyclewith the elements
to maintainthe clean temperature. 35