Tracker Kit (98-0080)
Trackers dramatically reduce tracking adjust- ments of conveyor belts. They are already installed on your sander. The following information is for
1.Disconnect power to sander, and disconnect motor cord from control box receptacle.
2.Raise drum as far as it will go.
3.Loosen the conveyor
4.Remove the four bolts holding the conveyor table to the sander base.
5.Lift conveyor bed and slide it out of the sander. Turn conveyor bed upside down. Be careful not to damage the conveyor belt.
6.On the underside of the conveyor bed, there are
7.With the first Tracker installed, slide the conveyor belt into the bottom slot of the Tracker. Note: When installed properly, only the bottom lip of the Tracker will be visible. The top slot is to be used if the bottom slot wears out.
8.Install second Tracker opposite the first. Use both Trackers unless the second one does not fit in conveyor or if conveyor belt is damaged.
9.Turn conveyor bed right side up and re- position the bed onto the base.
10.Make sure all switches are off. Connect power to sander and plug in motor.
11.Tension conveyor belt using
12.To check tension, turn on conveyor full speed and place both hands on conveyor. If conveyor belt can be stopped, continue tensioning until conveyor belt cannot be stopped by both hands on the belt while the conveyor is operating at full speed.
13.Make sure conveyor belt runs smoothly inside Tracker slot and that magnet is holding the Tracker in position.
14.Continue to watch tracking of conveyor and adjust only if necessary, making sure to keep equal tension on conveyor belt at all times and not allowing conveyor belt to buckle under conveyor bed.
Figure 32 (underside of conveyor shown)