Basic Operation

Recording Camera Images


Screen Setup
















Renaming Cameras and Assigning Camera Numbers1 Select a camera name and right-click on it, followed by clicking [Edit]

The Camera Name and Number editing screen appears.

Screen Display (Groups and Views)

Multi-view setting for multiple cameras is referred to as [Views]. All views are placed in folders called [Groups].

Memo :

[Groups] can be private or shared.

[Private] folder:

Views in this folder can only be accessed by the user who created them.

[Shared] folder:

Views in this folder can be accessed by all remote PC users with access to the system.

(APage 61 [Creating Groups and Views])

[Views] Section


















































A Camera Name

Displays the name of the camera. You can



overwrite the existing name with a new




BCamera Number Enables you to specify the camera number.

Note :

Do not assign a camera number that is used by other cameras. If the camera numbers overlap, the camera may not function properly.

[Screen Setup]


[System Overview] Section

[Delete] Button

[Rename] Button

[Create New View] Button

[Create New Group] Button

Note :

The default user setting is AAdministratorB.

The Default View created by the Auto Detect feature may change the camera placement in the view. To maintain a fixed position, name the view and save it.

When changing the view of the [Shared] folder, the [Save View Group Error] screen may sometimes appear. In this case, click the [OK] button to close the screen, log out from the [NVR Viewer] once (A Page 125), and log in again to repeat the procedures for changing the view.