Please execute "UninstallPlayOnly.bat" of "C:¥Program Files¥JVC¥SCoF¥bin¥" to return the regular
version the VN-RS800 playback-only version.
(4) Method of restarting all services
It is necessary to restart service to reflect the setting in service after the configuration file is restored.
To restart the various groups of services, click [Start] – [All Programs] – [JVC] – [VN-RS800] –
4.4. Example of backup procedure
(1) The backup of the setting, and the replacement and restoration of PC
1. After it initializes it, the configuration file of "4.1 (1)" is copying backed up.
2. The VN-RS800 regular version is installed in new PC.
3. “1.” is restored to new PC.
4. New PC is restarted. (Refer to 4.3 (4))
(2) Regular backup of image data and playback on another PC
1. To execute "BackupAlarmDb.bat" regularly, it registers in "System Tools" - "Scheduled
Tasks" of Windows.
2. To back up "VN-RS800_alarm_back.db" and "Image data", the backup software is set.
(Preparation for playback on another PC)
3. The VN-RS800 playback-only version is prepared. (Refer to 4.3 (3))
(Playback on another PC)
4. The backup data of “2.” is restored to playback-only PC.
5. The file name of VN-RS800_alarm_back.db is returned to original name. (Refer to 4.3 (2))
6. Each service of playback-only PC is restarted. (Refer to 4.3 (4))
7. VN-RS800Viwer.exe is started.
*The search and playback of the record image become possible when the camera is
selected and it switches to "View Records" screen though a live image of the camera is
not displayed.