Never Fail Plain Sponge
4 x 60g eggs, separated
¼ cup caster sugar
1 cup self-raising flour
3 tablespoons water
1. Be at egg whites in mixin g bowl on
Speed 5 until stif f peaks form.
2. Grad ually add sugar a nd beat until
thick and glossy. Add eg g yolks and
beat well.
3. Si ft flour.
4. Us ing Speed 1, gradually a dd flour
and water alternately, beat u ntil
smooth. Do not overmix.
5. Di vide mixture evenly b etween two
greased, floured an d base-lined 2 0cm
cake pans.
6. Ba ke in a moderate oven 180ºC for 15-
20 minutes or until ca ke springs back
when touched and com es away
slightly from sid es.
7. Coo l for 10 minutes, turn out a nd cool
on rack.
NOTE: spo nge cakes are best
served on the day made a s
they do not store well due to low
fat content.
Serves 4-6
3 x 60g egg whites
3 tablespoons water
1 cup caster sugar
1 teaspoon white vinegar
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
3 teaspoons cornflour
Whipped cream and passionfruit pulp,
for serving
1. Li ne a baking tray with ba king paper
and draw a 20cm circle i n the middle.
2. Preh eat oven at 150ºC.
3. Be at egg whites in mixin g bowl on
Setting 5 until sti ff peaks form.
4. Add wate r and continue beati ng.
Gradually add sug ar until well
5. Us ing Speed 3, add vin egar, vanilla
and cornflour.
6. Sp read mixture into circle on pre pared
bake paper. Smooth top sur face and
sides of pavlova sha pe.
7. Ba ke in slow oven 150ºC for 45 -50
minutes. Turn off oven an d allow to
pavlova to cool in oven.
8. Ca refully slide pavl ova from bake
paper onto servin g dish. Decorate
with whipped crea m and drizzle with
passionfrui t pulp.
KHM10_IB_FA.indd 18 11/02/10 9:32 AM