Date : 28 November 2005
Doc. no. : C6713CPU_HRG
Iss./Rev : 1.1
Page : 52
7.10 Spare micro-line
The C6713CPU uses square connectors with 0.1 inch (2.54 mm) spacing. In contrast to previous
micro-line® CPU boards, the C6713CPU does not allow stacking other boards on top of it.
However, peripheral boards are stackable.
Figure 14: C6713CPU connector pins
The tables below give part number examples for spare micro-line connectors that can be used to
build customized carrier boards or peripheral boards.
Manufacturer: fischer Elektronik, www.fischerelektronik.de
xx = number of pins, 1..32 for single row, 2..64 for double row
Connector type Part. No.
single row SL LP 1 112 xx G CPU board, not stackable
double row SL LP 2 112 xx G
single row BL1 xx or BL 5 xx Carrier board, not stackable
double row BL 2 xx or BL 6 xx
single row n/a peripheral board, stackable
double row n/a
Manufacturer: Preci-DIP, www.precidip.ch
xx = number of pins, 1..32 for single row, 2..64 for double row
Connector type Part. No.
single row n/a CPU board, not stackable
double row n/a
single row 801-pp-xx-10-001001 Carrier board, not stackable
double row 803-pp-xx-10-001001
single row 801-pp-xx-53-001001 peripheral board, stackable
double row 803-pp-xx-53-001001