Date : 28 November 2005
Doc. no. : C6713CPU_HRG
Iss./Rev : 1.1
Page : 6
This document describes the hardware of the C6713CPU board. It is intended to get an overview
of the board and its features. Detailed information about programming, usage of the FPGA and the
DSP is described in other documents that will be referenced throughout this document.
1.1 Document Organization
This document is organized as follows:
• Chapter 2 gives an overview of the whole system and its interfaces
• Chapter 3 gives an overview of the memory maps and describes the PLD registers
• Chapter 4 describes the boot process and the default settings of the board
• Chapter 5 gives a brief introduction to the Flash File System of the board
• Chapter 6 describes externally available signals and connector pinouts
• Chapter 7 lists environmental conditions, such as voltage levels, temperature range, etc.
• Chapter 9 lists documents that contain further information
• Chapter 8 explains the abbreviations that are used throughout this document
1.2 Documentation Overview
This chapter lists the documentation from ORSYS that is shipped together with the C6713CPU.
Further documents from other vendors may also be listed in chapter 9 and are referenced
throughout this document in square brackets.
C6713CPU DSP Development Kit User's Guide [20]
This document describes software development for the C6713CPU board using DSP/BIOS and the
C6713CPU board library. The board library is a collection of low level drivers that allow to access
hardware on the C6713CPU, such as loading the FPGA, reading the temperature sensor etc. This
makes working with the C6713CPU easier.
C6713CPU micro-line® busmaster BSP User's Guide [21] (
Describes the micro-line® busmaster board support package (BSP). This BSP adds an
asynchronous parallel bus peripheral interface, an UART and HPI accessibility to the C6713CPU.
The user guide includes FPGA register description and FPGA register programming
C6713CPU FPGA Programming Guide [22] (
Describes how to develop customized FPGA designs. Part of the FPGA development kit.
Micro-line® Power Supply Kit [23] (
Describes the micro-line® Power Supply board.
Reference documents that contain further information are listed in chapter 9, "Literature
References”. References to these documents are given in square brackets throughout this
1.3 Notational conventions
Names of registers, bit fields and single bits are written in capital letters.
Example: HWCFG
Names of signals are also given in capital letters, active low signals are marked with a '/' at the
beginning of the name.
Example: /RESETIN