Safety Precautions
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or mainte- I
nance can causeDEATH, SERIOUS BODILY INJUI_, OR PROP- ERTY DAMAGE. Refer to this manual for assistanceor consult
your ocal Sears Service Center for further nformation.
At the time of manufacturethiswater heaterwasprovidedwith
acombinationtemperature-pressuresreliefvalvecer_dfledby a nationally recognizedtestinglaboratorythat maintains periodic inspectionof productionof listed equipmentor materials, as meetingthe requirementsfor ReliefValvesand AutomaticGas ShutoffDevicesfor Hot Water SupplySystems,and the latest editionof ANSI Z2h22 and the cederequirements of ASME. If replaced,the valvemust meet the requirementsof localcodes but not lessthan a combinationtemperatureand pressurerelief valvecertifiedasmeetingthe requirements for ReliefValvesand
AutomaticGas ShutoffDevicesfor Hot Water SupplySystems, ANSI Z21.22 by a nationally recognizedtestinglaboratorythat
maintains periodic inspectionof productionof listedequipment or materials.
The valvemust be marked with a maximum setpressurenot to exceedthe marked hydrostaticworkingpressureof the water heater(150 Ibsdsqin. .)and a dischargecapacitynot lessthan the water heater input rate as shownon the model rating plate. (Electricheaters, watts dividedby 1000x 3415equal BTU/Hr.
Yourlocaljurisdictionalauthority,while mandatingthe useof a
temperature-pressurereliefvalvecomplyingwith ANSI Z2h22
andASME,mayrequire a valvemodel differentfrom the onefur- nishedwith the waterheater.
Compliancewith suchlocalrequirements mustbe satisfiedby the installeror end userof the water heaterwith a locallypre- scribedtemperature-pressurereliefvalveinstalledin the desig-
nated openingin the water heater in placeof the factory fur- nishedvalve.
For safeoperationof the water heater,the reliefvalvemustno_ be removedfrom it'sdesignatedopeningor plugged.
The temperature-pressurereliefvalvemust be installeddirectly intothe fittingofthewater heaterdesignatedfor the relief valve. Positionthe valvedownwardand providetubing sothat anydis-
chargewill exit onlywithin 6 inchesabove,or at any distance belowthe structuralfloor.Be certainthat no contact is made
with anylive electricalpart. The dischargeopeningmustnot be blockedor reduced in size under any circumstancesExcessive. length,over 30 feet, or useof more than four elbowscancause restriction andreducethe dischargecapacityufthe valve.
No valveor otherobstructionisto be placedbetweenthe relief valveand the tank. Do not connecttubingdirectlyto discharge drainunlessa 6"air gapisprovidedTo. preventbodilyinjury,haz. ard to life,or propertydamage,the relief valvemustbeallowed to dischargewater in quantitiesshouldcircumstancesdemand.If I the dischargepipeis not connectedto a drainor other suitabh
means,the water flowmaycausepropertydamage.
The DischargePipe:
Mustnot be smallerin sizethan the outletpipesizeof the valve,or haveanyreducingcouplingsor otherrestrictions. Mustnot be pluggedor blocked.
Mustbe of materiallistedfor hotwater distribution.
Must be installed so as to allow complete drainage both the temperature-pressure relief valve, and the dischargepipe.
Mustterminateat an adequatedrain.
Mustnot haveanyvalvebetweenthe reliefvalveandtank.
access panels or servicing the water heater, make sure the electrical supply to the water heater is turned "OFF". Fmluro
to do this could result in DEATH, SERIOUS BODILY INJU"
HOTTER WATER CAN SCALD: Water heatersare intended to producehot water. Water heated to a temperature which will satisfyspaceheating,clotheswashing,dishwashing,and other sanitizingneeds can scaldand permanentlyinjureyou uponcontact.Some peopleare more likelyto be permanent- ly injuredby hot water than others.These includethe elderly, children, the infirm, or physically/mentallyhandicapped.If anyoneusing hot water in your home fits into one of these groupsor if there is a localcode or state law requiring a cer- tain temperature water at the hot water tap, then you must take specialprecautionsIn. additionto usingthe lowestpossi- ble temperature settingthat satisfiesyour hot water needs,a means suchas a mixing valve, shallbe usedat the hot water taps used by these people or at the water heater. Mixing
valvesare availableat plumbingsupplyor hardware stores. Follow manufacturers instructions for installation of the
valves.Before changingthe factory setting on the thermo-
stat, read the "Temperature Regulation" section in this manual.
WATER HEATERS EQUIPPED FOR ONE VOLTAGE ONLY: This water heater is equipped for one type voltage only. Check the rating plate near the bottom access panel for the correct voltage. DO NOT use this water heater with any volt- age other than the one shown on the model rating platt Failure to use the correct voltage can cause problems which
can result in DEATH, SERIOUS BODILY INJURY, OR PROP- ERTY DAMAGE. If you have any questions or doubts consult
your electric company.
INSULATING JACKETS: When installing an external water heater insulation jacket on an electric water heater:
a. DO NOT cover the temperature-pressure relief valve.
b. DO NOT put insulation over the access covers or any accessareas.
c. DO NOT cover or remove operating instructions, and safe-
ty related warning labels and materials affixed to the water heater.
Do not use this applianceif any part of it hasbeen under water. An electrical short or malfunction could occur.The water heater shouldbe replaced.
WATER HEATERS EVENTUALLY LEAK: Installation of the water heater must be accomplished in such a manner that if the tank or any connections should leak, the flow of water will not cause damage to the structure. For this reason, it is
not advisable to install the water heater in an attic or upper floor. When such locations cannot be avoided, a suitable drain pan should be installed under the water heater. Drain
pans are available at your oca Sears Store. Such a drain pan must be piped to an adequate drain. Under no circumstances I is the manufacturer or Sears to be held liable for any water
damage in connection with this water heater.