Consulteeste cuadro para encontrarsofucionesque ustedmismo puede reafizarcuando tenga probremas menoresde rendimiento. Cualquier servicio que necesite aparte de otros descritos en este manual tienen que set hechos per un represetantede servicio autorizado.






ii , i



ADVERTENClA r'e,grodochequee, ctr co

"1 "-''=-'=Desconecte la aspiradora antes de darle servlcio o limparia° De 1o contrario podria

producirseun cheque el_ctrico o causar lesibn corporal.

La asptredora no arranca

No aspire satisfacteriamente

La aspkadora errancy, pare aeapaga

1, Est_ descone[_tada

2, Cortacircuitos be!ado e fusible quemado an el tab!ere de aervldo de a reaideoda

3.Conexiones eric!rices de la manguera euelias

4.Protector contra sobreeargas botado en la POWER-MATETM

14Botsa pare potvo _lena o aascada

2, VIes de fiujo de sire ataacadas

3FiHro de seguHdad del motor sucio

4, Ajuste incon'eotode hive] de polede la alfombra

5.Control de aspiraciSn ablerto.

6.Manguera rote,

7_ Cepillos de ta POWER-MATE TM desgastodos 8 Cortes desgestada o role

9 Cepit_o o soportes de _ste eucios 10, Tspa del recept_cuto abiert_

1 Conexionea elSe!rices de la manguera s de la lapa

2, Protecto_'conlre sobrecargas de la POWER-MATE TM betide

3, Protectordesebrecargabetide


I, Conectebien. optima selectorde encendidol

apagedoala psslci6nON

2.Reslablezcael corlacireuitos eatableel fusible

3, Vuelvaa conectarlos extremesde ta manguera. (p_gina5)

4, Utopia el cepHFoy los aoportesde _.steLuegs reetablezca,(p_glnas 14_15)

1,. CambieIs boise,(p_gina 12},

2.Limpieleavlasde fiujode eke,(p_gina 12)

3.Utopia et 51!re,(p;_gina13).

4.Ajusteel hive1,(p_gina9)

S, Ajuste e! controi, (p_gne 11).

6.Camble _a manguera,

7.Carnbte _eecepH!os, (p_gina 16}.


DEL CEP!LLO. (p_ginas 14, 15)

10.Cierre bien !a tape

i Examine }as conexiones el_ctr[cas, vuelva a con-

ectar los exb'emos de lamanguera, (p_gina 7). 2, Retire cualqoier objeto atorado o aleseado,

luego res!ablezca S la _pkadors arrenca pore se vuelve a apagar, timpte st coplie y toe

soportes de _ste, luego reslablezca,

(p_,gir_es14, 15).

3, Cambie Is boise pare polvo, deebloquee lea vies de flujo de airs (p_gina 12), Espere 20 minutes pare qua el motor se en[_Ie y se re_tablozca autom_i!icamen!e

La POWER-MATE TM no fLIncione cuando eat_ nsiatada_

Indfcador de r_nd!mtento

deroje, algunosmedalos,

La esptradors levanta !spates

-o-es dificfl empujar


La luz no funclona_

E_cerdSn no se onrolte.

La asplradora deja marcas

en la alfombra,

IConexionesde aPOWER-MATE _= desconectadas

2.C_ee desgastada o rots

3.Cepillo o soportes de _ste sucios

4, Protector canre sebrecargas de le POWER-MATE TM boiado

t.8o_eepare polvo Hens o atoscada

2 Filirodesegurdaddelmotorsucio

3 Vies de flu_ode sire ataecadas 4, Clertos accesorioe

1 Ajua!e incorrecto de nivel de pelode la atfombra

2_ AspS'acOrndemaslado paten!e,

1.BomblHa fundida,

1.Cordbn e]_ctfico eucio

2.Cordbn a!aeeade.

1.Es_Io de llmp{eza tncorrecta

1, Conecte blen.(p_gina 6)


4_ Examine et Areade!copliepare determinersl hay aoumulactanexceslvae bloqueode pelusa

Lfmpte_f ceptlloy suasopor_es,luego res!ab_e_ca,(p_gtnas14, 15)

1.Gamble !a boise. (p_gIna 12)


3.Desbloquee los vies de fl_jo de site (p_g!na 12) 4, Este es norms! Ls toz debe apagarse al quilar

ta herramienta

'f, Ajuste el nive_, (p_gina 9).

2o Abra el con!mf de esplradSn. (p,'_gIna1I}

I.Gamble _abomb{lla, (p_gina I4},

t.LImpie e! cord6n et_ctflco.

2.Tire del cord6n ydespu6s enrbllelo,


(p_glna 9).


Page 35
Image 35
Kenmore 1T6.29429 manual ADVERTENClA re,grodochequee, ctr co

1T6.29429 specifications

The Kenmore 1T6.29429 is a highly efficient home appliance designed to meet the growing demands of modern households. Built with a focus on performance and user convenience, this model integrates advanced technologies that simplify everyday tasks while ensuring reliable functionality.

One of the standout features of the Kenmore 1T6.29429 is its energy efficiency. With an impressive Energy Star rating, this appliance significantly reduces power consumption, making it not only eco-friendly but also cost-effective for users. The innovative design helps conserve electricity, reducing the overall impact on the environment.

The Kenmore 1T6.29429 incorporates smart technology that enhances its usability. It comes equipped with Wi-Fi connectivity, allowing users to control and monitor the appliance remotely through a dedicated app. This feature is particularly beneficial for busy households, as it enables users to manage settings, receive notifications, and troubleshoot potential issues from their smartphones, ensuring seamless operation.

In terms of performance, the Kenmore 1T6.29429 boasts a powerful motor that guarantees efficient operation. The appliance is designed to handle various tasks with ease, whether it is washing, drying, or cooking. Its multi-functionality makes it a versatile addition to any home, allowing users to save time and effort without compromising quality.

Safety is also a primary consideration in the design of the Kenmore 1T6.29429. The appliance includes several safety features, such as automatic shut-off and child lock settings, to provide peace of mind for families. Additionally, the durable construction ensures long-lasting use, making it a reliable investment for any household.

Lastly, the sleek and modern aesthetic of the Kenmore 1T6.29429 allows it to blend seamlessly into any kitchen or laundry room decor. Its compact design maximizes space without sacrificing performance, making it an ideal choice for both small apartments and larger homes.

In summary, the Kenmore 1T6.29429 is a top-tier appliance that combines efficiency, smart technology, and safety features, making it an essential part of contemporary household living. Whether aiming to save energy or streamline daily tasks, this appliance delivers exceptional performance that caters to the needs of today's consumers.