This appliance is for HOUSEHOLD USE ONLY and may be plugged into any 120V AC polarized electrical outlet. Do not use any other type of outlet.
Using Your Programmable Slow Cooker for the First Time
Prior to first use, clean the appliance thoroughly.
1.Wash the glass lid and the ceramic pot in hot, soapy water.
2.Rinse and dry thoroughly.
3.Do not immerse metal housing in water.
4.Plug the power cord into a 120 volt AC outlet.
5.Always cook with the glass lid in place and the ceramic pot in position. Remember that frequent lifting of the glass lid will delay the cooking time.
6.When cooking a meat and vegetable combination, place the meat in the bottom of the ceramic pot.
7.Unplug the slow cooker when the cooking process is complete. Allow to cool completely before cleaning.
The ceramic pot cannot withstand the shock of sudden temperature changes.
8.Do not use frozen meat or poultry in a slow cooker. Thaw any meat or poultry before slow cooking.
9.Follow recommended cooking times.
10.Do not use the ceramic pot for storage of foods.
11.Do not reheat foods in the slow cooker. Do not set heated unit with food on a finished wood table. Always use protective padding under ceramic pot before setting on table or countertop.
CAUTION: Be careful when adding additional liquids to ceramic pot - Never add cold liquids as this might cause the ceramic pot to crack. Always warm the liquids before adding.
Programming the Slow Cooker
1.Plug the unit into a polarized electrical outlet. You will hear one
(1) long beep and the LCD display screen will light up. It will display "P-On" for one (1) second and then change to show the initial status "STAND-BY" and default heat setting "HIGH".
2.Press the "Setting" button and then press on the timer increase button to set the cooking time. The time will increase in thirty (30) minute increments.
3.Press the setting button once again to set the cooking temperature "HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW or KEEP WARM".
4.Once you have selected the desired cooking temperature, press on the "Start" button to begin cooking.
5.The timer will now start counting the time down to "0".
6.When set cooking time has expired, the unit will beep once and then go into Stand-By mode for five (5) minutes. After the five (5) minutes have passed, it will automatically go into "Keep Warm" mode for six (6) hours and then it will automatically turn "Off".
7.To stop the cooking process at any time during the operation, press on the "STOP" button and the unit will go back into "Stand-By" mode immediately and the "Power On' light will go off. The timer will be cleared and only the heat setting will remain. If you wish to restart the cooking process, you must reset the timer.
8.If you do not set any time, the unit will work in a "Count Up" mode to a maximum of twenty-four (24) hours. Once this time has passed, it will beep once and go into Stand-By mode for five (5) minutes. After the five (5) minutes have passed it will automatically go into "Keep Warm“ mode for six (6) hours and then shut off.
Ingredientes: | (3½ a 4 lbs) carne molida gruesa |
1,6 a 1,8 kg |
1 lata | Caldo de carne de 430 ml (14 ½ Onz.) |
3 | cucharadas | Cebolla picada finamente |
3 | cucharaditas | Caldo instantáneo de res |
1 | lata | Salsa de tomate de 225 gr (8 Onz.) |
2 | cucharadas | Pimentón (páprika) |
1/2 cucharadita | Pimienta negra |
4 | cucharadas | Chili en polvo |
1 | cucharada | Comino |
1/4 cucharadita | Cebolla en polvo |
1/4 cucharadita | Sal |
1/4 cucharadita | Ajo en polvo |
1/4 cucharadita | Sal de ajo |
1/4 cucharadita | Azúcar |
1 cucharada | Jugo de limón |
1 | | Paquete chico de maíz que ha sido descongelado (opcional) |
| | Crema agria para poner encima |
1/2 taza | Cebolla verde picada para poner encima |
Queso desmenuzado para poner encima |
Cocinar la carne en una sartén grande a temperatura media, moviendo constantemente para que los trozos se separen y hasta que se doren. Drenar la carne de la sartén. Colocar y mezclar en el tazón de cerámica de la olla, la carne cocida, cebolla picada, caldo de res, salsa de tomate, polvo de chile, páprika, comino, 2 cucharaditas de caldo concentrado de res, ajo en polvo y pimienta negra. Mezclar bien todos los ingredientes y colocarle la tapa de vidrio a la olla. Cocinar por 7 horas y 15 min. en temperatura baja (LOW) o por 3 horas y 15 min. en temperatura alta (HIGH). Echar el saldo de caldo de res, el ajo en polvo, la sal, el azúcar y el jugo de limón y mezclarlo. Tapar y cocinar por 1 hora más. Si se desea, al servir colocarle encima crema agria, cebollas verdes y queso.
Estofado Clásico de Res
Ingredientes: | (4 lbs) carne para estofado, cortada en cubos de 2, 5 cm (1 |
1, 8 kg |
pulgada) | harina |
1/2 taza |
1 cucharadita | sal |
1 cucharadita | pimienta negra |
3 tazas | caldo de res |
2 cucharaditas | Salsa Inglesa Worcestershire |
2 | dientes de ajo molidos |
2 | hojas de laurel |
2 cucharadita | páprika o pimentón |
8 | papas pequeñas cortadas en cubos |
4 | cebollas pequeñas cortadas en cubos |
4 | tallos de apio rebanados |
Dorar la carne para el guiso en una sartén grande a temperatura media moviéndola hasta que esté dorada por todos lados. Echar la carne al tazón de cerámica de la olla. Esparcirle harina, sal y pimienta sobre la carne y revolverla bien. Agregar el resto de los ingredientes y mezclar bien. Tapar la olla y cocinar a temperatura baja (LOW) por 11 horas o por 5 horas y 30 min. en temperatura alta (HIGH). Revolver