KENWOOD ELECTRONICS CANADA INC. Ici-apres appeh!e -KENWOOD-',donne par ecrit la garantie suivante

a I'acheleur original de chaque nouveau produit Kenwood distribue au Canada par KENWOOD el achete a un

concessionnaire autorise par KENWOOD.

KENWOOD garantil, sous reserve des termes et des conditions enonces ci-dessous, que chaque nouveau produit Kenwood. dans des conditions d'emploinormales, est exempt de taus defauts. 5i I'undefau! se produit pendant la periode de garantie, KENWOOD s'engagea assumer Ie caul des pieces defe<:lueuses et de la main-d'oeuvrenecessaires pour effectuer les reparations pourvu que de tels defauts sont anribuables a des pieces defectueuses employees lars de la fabrication du produit Kenwood ou a la main-d'oeuvretel qU'lHablipar KENWOOD ou par I'unde ses centres de service autorises. Appelez KENWOOD pour verifier si un concessionnaire ou un centre de service est autorise par KENWOOD.


les pieces et la main·d'oeuvrenecessaires pour la reparation des produits Kenwood sont garanties pendant la periode d'unIII an a compter de la date d'achat,de bail ou de location originale. sauf dans les cas ou les produits Kenwood sont employes dans un but professionnel ou commercial. ou la garantie des pieces et de la main-d'oeuvredemeure en vigueur

pendant une periode de quatre-vingt·dix(90) jours sous reserve des termes et des conditions de la garantie.

EXCLUSIONS DE GARANTIE Cette garantie ne couvre pas:

la) les produits achetes II I'etrangerou achetes au Canada et transportes aI'etranger; lb) les produits achetes II un concessionnaire non autorise par KENWOOD;

lc) les produits dont Ie numero de serie manque. a ete efface ou modifie;

ld) les services d'entretienperiodiques qui n'indiquentaucun detaut couvert par cetta garantie;

Ie) les defauts causes par les desastres, les accidents, les abus, les emplois incorrects, les eclairs, les surtensions de courant, les manques de soins ou d'entretiensperiodiques, les modifications non autorisees ou les manques de respect du mode d'emploi;

(I)les defauts ou les dommages causes lors de reparations effectuees par une personne ou par une partie non autorisee


(gIles defauts causes par I'emploide pieces ou de dispositifs qui ne se conforment pas aux exigences de KENWOOD; (hIles finitions exterieures, les pieces cosmetiques, les tetes de bandes, les adaptateurs, les antennes, les cables, les

bandes, les disques endommages ou deperis, ni les defauts ou dommages causes par des piles defectueuses ou qui fuient;

(iJ les defauts ou dommages qui se produisent pendant I'expeditiondes produits Kenwood (On devrait deposer de telles reclamations aupres des compagnies de transport);

(i)les conversions de tension et/ou de frequence du produit;

(k) les frais d'installationou d'enlevementdu produit.


Au cas ou un service sous garantie de votre produit Kenwood s'averenecessaire, veuillez livrer Ie produit a n'importe quel centre de service KENWOOD et presenter la copie originale du contrat de vente at cena carte de garantie en tant que preuve de garantie au veuillez faire parvenir votre produit assure et port pave au centre de service KENWOOD autorise Ie plus proche. Pour eviter !outes possibilites de dommages pendant Ie transport, veulllez bien emballer Ie produit. Veuil1ez indure une copie du contrat de vente original et cene carte de garantie en tant que preuve de garantie aussi bien quevotre nom, numeros de telephone au poste de travail et/ou au domicile, votre adresse et une description detaillee des defauts. Les produits sous garantie repan!s seront retoumes port paVe aux destinations oil l'interieurdu Canada. Le consommateur sera responsable de tous frais de transport et d'autresfrais qui s'yrapportent pour faire expedier les produits a destinations II I'exterieurdu Canada.


Celte garantie represente I'entieregarantie don nee par ecrit par KENWOOD. KENWOOD ne se tient aucunement responsable de toutes extensions ni de toutes augmentations de cene garantie faites ou entreprises par toutes personnes, parties, concessionnaires ou centres de service ou par leurs agents ou employes au nom de KENWOOD au moyen d'affirmationsverbales ou l!<:rites, d'annoncesou de promotions, y indus tous programmes ou plans de garantie etendue que puissent offrir les concessionnaires ou les centres de service, oil moins que KENWOOD n'yait consenti par l!<:rit d'avance.


KENWOOD renonce a toutes responsabilites de perte de temps, d'emploidu produit, de tous dommages indirects ou accessoires causes a d'autresproduits ou biens, de tous inconvenients ou de toutes pertes commerciales.


Les stipulations contenues dans la presente garantie ecrite n'ontpas pour but de limiter, de modifier, de diminuer, de reieter ni d'eJtclured'autresgaranties ni droits enonces dans n'importequel1es lois ou legislations provinciales ou tederales.


KENWOOD ne considere pas cette garantie toute seule comme etant une preuve d'achatval ide. Lorsqu'ondemande du service sous garantie, it faudra presenter la copie originale du contrat de vente aussi bien que cette carte de garantie en tant que preuve de garantie. On recommande de les conserver dans un lieu sur au cas ou elles s'avereraientnecesaires a



6010 Kestrel Roed, Mississauge, Onter{o, C.nad. L5T 158

Teh;phone: 19051610-1211

Telecopleur: (9051670·1248



KENWOOD ELECTRONICS CANADA INC. (hereinafter called HKENWooDHI, gives the following wrinen warranty to the original customer of each new Kenwood product distributed in Canada by KENWOOD and purchased from a dealer authorized by KENWOOD.

KENWOOD warrants that each new Kenwood product, under normal use, is free from any defects, subject to the terms and conditions set forth below. If a defect should occur within the warranty period, repairs wilt be made free of charge for parts and labour when such defects are determined by KENWOOD or its'authorized service centres to be attributable to faUlty materials or workmanship at time of manufacture. Please contact KENWOOD to confirm if a dealer or service centre is authorized by KENWOOD.


This Kenwood product is warranted for parts and labour for a period of one (1) year from the date of original purchase, lease or rental, except for products which are used in a professional or commercial application, which are warranted for a period of ninety (90) days for parts and labour and are subject to the terms and conditions of the warranty.


This warranty excludes:

(a)Products purchased in a foreign country or purchased in Canada and taken to a foreign country. lb) Products purchased from a dealer not authorized by KENWOOD.

lc) Products with the serial number defaced, altered or missing.

ld) Periodic check-ups which do not disdose any defects covered by this warrantY.

Ie) Defects resulting from disaster, accident, abuse, misuse, lightning, power surges, neglect or lack of periodic

maintenance, unauthorized modification or failure to follow instructions in the owner'smanual.

(f)Defects or damage as a result of repairs performed by a person or party not authorized by KENWOOD. (gl Defects resulting from the use of parts or devices that do not conform to KENWOOD specifications.

(hi Damage or deterioration occurring to any exterior finishes, cosmetic parts, tape heads, adaptors, antennas, cables, tapes, discs or faults or damage caused by defective or leaking baneries.

Iii Defects or damage occurring during shipping Iclaims should be presented to the shipping company). iii Product voltage and for line frequency conversions.

(kl Product installation or removal charges.


Should your Kenwood product require warranty service, deliver it to any authorized KENWOOD service centre and present the original copy of your bill of sale and this warranty card as proof of warranty, or send your product fully insured and freight prepaid to the nearest authorized KENWOOD service centre. To avoid possible shipping damage, make sure the product is properly packed. Include a copy of your original bill of sale and this warranty card as proof of warranty along with your name, home and lor work telephone numberlsl. a complete return address and a detailed description of the faultls). Products repaired within warranty will be returned freight prepaid to destinations within Canada. The customer is responsible for alt freight and related costs for the return of productls) to destinations outside Canada.


This warranty constitutes the entire wrinen warranty given by KENWOOD. No person, party, dealer or service centre or their agents or employees are authorized to extend or enlarge this warranty on behalf of KENWOOD by any written or verbal statement or advertisement or promotion, including any extended warranty program or plan that may be offered by the dealer or service centre, unless approved in writing by KENWOOD.


KENWOOD disclaims any responsibility for loss of time or use of the product or any other indirect, incidental or consequential damage to other products or goods, inconvenience or commercial loss.


The provisions contained in this written warranty are not intended to limit, modify, take away, disclaim or exclude any warranties or rights you may have which are set forth in any applicable provincial or federal laws or legislation.


This warranty card bV itself is not considered bV KENWOOD as a valid proof of purchase. When applying for warranty repairs, you must present the original copy of your bill of sale and this warranty card as proof of warranty, so we recommend that they be kept in a safe place, should they be required in the future.


6070 Kntrel Road, Mississauge, Ontario, CanldelST 158

Tel.; (905)610·7211

Fax: (9051670-1248

Units purchased through the U.S.A_ military exchange service overseas may be serviced under warranty in the continental U.S.A., subject to the following conditions.



1)The original warranty is in effect.

2)Proof of purchase is provided to the servicer.


KENWOOD CORPORATION is proud of the quality and workmanship of its audio equipment. This unit has been properly designed, tested and inspected before it was shipped to you. If properly installed and operated in accordance with instructions furnished. it should give you an optimum reliable performance.


This product is warranted for a period of ONE YEAR from the date of the original purchase.


Except as specified below, this warranty cOvers all defects in materials and workmanship of the KENWOOD brand products.

During the warranty period, any authorized KENWOOD Service Center in the military market listed in the back of this warranty card will provide you free-of-charge both parts and labor required to correct any defect in materials or workmanship.

The following are not covered by this warranty.

1.Voltage conversions.

2.Periodic check-ups which do not disclose any defect covered by the warranty.

3.Cabinets, grilles, other exterior finishes, belts, tape heads, and other non-durable parts and accessories.

4.Units on which the serial number has been effaced, modified or removed.

5.Installation and/or removal charges.

6.Damaged magnetic tapes.

7.House call charges for any repairs.

8.Shipping or delivery charges to or from an authorized KENWOOD Service Center.

9.This waffanty will not cOver any failure that is due to any of the following conditions in accordance with the visual inspection of the authorized KENWOOD Service Center:

Improper maintenance or repair, including the installation of parts or accessories that do not conform to the quality and specifications of the original parts.

Misuse, abuse, neglect, unauthorized product modification or failure to follow instructions contained in the Owner'sManual.

Accidental or intentional damages.

Repairs or altempted repairs by an unauthorized agency. (All repairs must be performed at an authorized KENWOOD Service Center.)

Damages or deteriorations caused during shipmentlClaims must be presented to the carrier). Damages or deteriorations resulting from removal and/or replacement.





Kenwood Rep,; c/o

Yokota ex, JAAX AAFES-PAC,

APO San Francisco 96328


Kenwood Rep,; clo


APO San Francisco 96343


Kenwood Rep,; clo

Misawa ex, JAAX AAFES-PAC,

APO San Francisco 96519


Kenwood Rep,; clo

A-33, Yokosuka NEX No. 260-010

FPO Seattle 98760


Kenwood Rep,; c/o

Atsugi NEX No. 260-020 FPO Seanle 98761


Kenwood Rep,; clo

Marine Corps Exchange, Marine Corps Air Station, FPO Seattle 98764


Sasebo NEX;

Navy Exchange 260-040

FA Box 115 FPO Seanle 98766


Kenwood Rep,; clo

OWAX, AAFES-PAC, APO San Francisco 96230

Kenwood Rep,; clo

KOAX Repair Shop, AAFES·PAC DD·CampMarket. APO San Francisco 96488


Kenwood Rep,; c/o Guam NEX No. 230-010, FPO San Francisco 96630 Kenwood Rep,; c/o

GUAX, AMES-PAC, APO San Francisco 96334



Kenwood Factory Service 99·994Iwaena St., Aiea, Hawaii 96701


Vista Radio TV,;

861East Loop Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Anchorage Commercial Electronics, Inc.;

1450 East 9th Ave., Anchorage, Alaska 99501

In The Continental U.S.A.

For Nearest Authorized Service Center;

Tel: 1·800-536-9663

Kenwood Service U.S.A,

Kenwood Factory Service;

P.O. Box 22745, 2201 East Dominguez Street,

Long Beach, California 90801-5745

Tel: (310) 639-5300


Please inquire at the military resale outlets where you bought your Kenwood products, or

KENWOOD ELECTRONICS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH: Rembrucker-Str. 15,63150 Heusenstamm, Germany Tel.: 49-06104-69010

As the purchased of a new KENWOOD brand product, you are requested to do the following in order to obtain KENWOOD warranty service.

1.Retain your sales slip or other evidence of purchase for proving your eligibility for requesting KENWOOD warranty servIce.

2.Make your unit available to an authorized KENWOOD Service Center in the military market for inspection and approved warranty service, or ship your unit in its original carton box or equivalent, fully insured and shipping charges prepaid, to the authorized KENWOOD Service Center.


Any and all implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, shall be limited in duration to the length of this warranty.



KENWOOD'sliability for any defective product is limited to the repair or replacement of said product, at our potion, and shall not indude damages of any kind, whether incidental, consequential or otherwise, expect to the extent prohibited by applicable law.

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Kenwood KDC-MP408U, KDC-MP438U, KDC-MP338 instruction manual Canada

KDC-MP408U, KDC-MP338, KDC-MP438U specifications

The Kenwood KDC-MP408U, KDC-MP338, and KDC-MP438U are popular models within Kenwood's lineup of car audio receivers. Each of these models delivers a variety of features that enhance your driving experience through superior sound quality and connectivity options.

Starting with the KDC-MP408U, this model is renowned for its versatile playback capabilities. It supports multiple audio formats, including MP3 and WMA, allowing you to play your favorite music files directly from a USB drive or through an auxiliary input. The front USB port enables easy connectivity to smartphones and other devices, while the built-in CD player caters to traditional media users. One of the standout features of the KDC-MP408U is its compatibility with iPod and iPhone, offering USB control that allows you to manage tracks directly from the receiver.

Next, the KDC-MP338 offers a compact design with high functionality and aesthetic appeal. It includes an easy-to-read LCD display that ensures you can navigate through settings and playlists effortlessly. The receivers' CD mechanism supports various disc formats, providing ample options for playback. Users also benefit from a range of sound adjustment features, including a 3-band parametric equalizer that allows for tailored audio experiences based on personal listening preferences. The KDC-MP338 also emphasizes connectivity, with an auxiliary input jack making it simple to connect any device with a headphone output.

The KDC-MP438U builds on the features of its predecessors by infusing additional technologies to enhance usability. In addition to supporting CD, MP3, and WMA formats, it offers Bluetooth connectivity, facilitating hands-free calling and audio streaming from compatible devices. This makes it easier than ever to stay connected while on the road. The KDC-MP438U also includes Kenwood’s proprietary sound features, such as a built-in amplifier that optimizes clarity and sound distribution.

All three models prioritize user-friendly interfaces, ensuring that adjusting settings and playlists is straightforward, even while driving. They include customizable illumination options that allow drivers to match the display color to their vehicle’s interior.

These Kenwood car audio receivers are perfect for audiophiles seeking a blend of innovative features and robust sound quality. Each model retains unique advantages while ensuring that high-quality audio performance stays at the forefront of the driving experience. Whether you're looking for basic connectivity or advanced integration with smart devices, Kenwood offers reliable solutions with the KDC-MP408U, KDC-MP338, and KDC-MP438U.