4.4. Setting Transmission Methods for Audio Input to the ACC2 Connector
The PTT of the microphone connected to the TS-990S, and the [SEND] key on the
TS-990S control panel, are the methods for transmitting audio input from the microphone
connected to the TS-990S. When TXing by these methods, audio input as audio signals
from the ACC2 connector cannot be transmitted.
To transmit audio input as audio signals from the ACC2 connector, select one of the
following methods.
● Transmitting using the ARCP-990
With the ARCP-990, settings must be performed to transmit audio input from the ACC2
connector to use the on-screen [Send] button.
Select "Select Modulation Line" from the ARCP-990 "TX/RX" menu. The "Select
Modulation Line" window is displayed.
In this window, select "DATA SEND" under "TX Operation for use ARCP-990".
For details, refer to the ARCP-990 help.
● Transmitting using the PKS terminal in the ACC2 connector
Audio input from the ACC2 connector can be transmitted by setting the PKS terminal in
the ACC2 connector on the rear of the TS-990S to low.
For details of the connector and terminal specifications, refer to the TS-990S instruction