Quality icon

Resolution icon


Pictures Remaining icon

Battery Status icon

Self-Timer icon

Flash icon

Card Status icon

Red-eye Reduction icon

Close-Up icon



The Pictures Remaining icon changes automatically to indicate the remaining number of pictures that can be stored at the current quality and resolution setting. You may not select or change the Pictures Remaining icon.

When the card’s memory is full, the status display indicates Full. You must delete exist- ing pictures or change memory cards to capture additional pictures. To save pictures, transfer them to your computer before deleting them. For more information on how to move or delete pictures, see “Deleting the Picture Just Taken” found earlier in this chapter and “Deleting Pictures” in Chapter 4.

NOTE: The Pictures Remaining number does not always change by one when a picture is taken if the picture content is easily compressed.


Activating the Self-Timer option creates a 10-second delay between the time you press the shutter button and when the picture is taken so you can include yourself in the picture. To activate this function, perform the following steps:

1.Set the mode dial to Capture.

2.Turn on the camera.

3.Press the self-timer button.

The Self-Timer icon appears on the status display.

4.Place the camera on a flat, steady surface or tripod.

Taking Pictures 3-5

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Image 23