Flexible Program
Temporarily shifts an automatically selected shutter speed/aperture combination
while maintaining correct exposure. That is, a desired shutter speed or aperture can
be selected with the camera in Programmed Auto Exposure mode.
Focus Tracking
Enables the camera to assess the speed of a moving subject according to perceived
focus data, then set correct focus settings by anticipating subject position--and
driving the lens to that position at the exact moment of exposure.
The numbers on the lens aperture ring and on the camera’s LCD which indicate the
relative size of the lens aperture opening. The f-number series is a geometric
progression based on changes in the lens aperture opening as it opens and closes.
Going up the scale, each number is multiplied by a factor of 1.4. Each f-number on
the scale (except for the lowest) actually represents double the amount of light
transmitted through the lens using the f-number below it. The standard numbers for
calibration are 1.0, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22, 32, etc.
Front-Curtain Sync
The flash fires an instant after the front curtain of a focal plane shutter has finished
traveling across the imager plane with the Flash Sync mode at normal sync. (See
also Rear-Curtain Sync.)
Guide number
The guide number indicates flash power in relation to ISO speed. Guide numbers
are quoted in either meters or feet, and are used to calculate f/stop for correct
exposure as follows:
guide number
f/stop = ———————————
flash-to-subject distance
Using a selected aperture, the required flash-to-subject distance can be calculated
by using the formula:
guide number
flash-to-subject distance = ———————
Useful for determining the maximum flash-to-subject distance for flash