PC Card
On: SAVE original TIF:
If processing was On and the
original TIFF was being saved,
the Main Menu appears.
If processing was On and the
original TIFF was being deleted,
or if processing was Off, the
screen at the left appears
(showing Noise Reduction ON
or OFF).
Choose OK to continue. If you
cancel, you can change the
Noise Reduction setting in
Properties (page 3-12), if
necessary, then repeat this
On: DELETE original TIF:
If processing was On and the
original TIFF was being deleted,
the Main Menu appears.
If processing was On and the
original TIFF was being saved,
or if processing was Off, the
screen at the left appears
(showing Noise Reduction ON
or OFF).
Choose OK to continue. If you
cancel, you can change the
Noise Reduction setting in
Properties (page 3-12), if
necessary, then repeat this