Parameter Guide


Here you can adjust settings for the Unison function which “stacks” voices
at the same pitch to create a richer sound.

MODE ...................................................... [OFF, 2 VOICE, 3 VOICE, 4 VOICE]

When the Unison Switch is turned on, you can specify the number of voices
that will be stacked.
OFF: Unison is off.
2 VOICE: Unison is on; two voices are stacked.
3 VOICE: Unison is on; three voices are stacked.
4 VOICE: Unison is on; four voices are stacked.
Depending on other voice-related settings, the number of voices you
specify here may not actually be sounded.
Turning on the Unison function will limit the available polyphony.

DETUNE (Unison Detune)............................................................. [0...99]

4 voice
2 voice
This parameter is available when Unison is on (i.e., if “MODE” is 2–4
Voice). It specifies (in units of cents) the amount of detuning that will occur
between the stacked voices. Regardless of how many voices are stacked,
this parameter will always specify the total range of detuning.

SPREAD (Unison Spread) ...................................................... [000…127]

This parameter is available when Unison is on (i.e., if “MODE” is 2–4
Voice). It controls the width of the stereo spread (panning) of the stacked
voices. The number of voices specified by “MODE” will be panned apart at
equal spacing according to this setting.


Here you can adjust settings that affect the pitch of the oscillators. These
settings are common to oscillators 1 and 2. Set the transpose and tuning
parameters to obtain the desired pitch.
Here you can also specify the amount of pitch change that is produced by
the [PITCH] wheel (pitch bend wheel) and [MOD] wheel (modulation

ANLG.TUNE (Analog Tune) .................................................... [000…127]

By adding a slight randomness to the pitch of each note as it is played, this
parameter can simulate the pitch instability and oscillator “drift” that was
characteristic of vintage analog synthesizers. Higher settings will produce
greater variations in pitch.
FX2.CTRL1 FX 2 Control 1
FX2.CTRL2 FX 2 Control 2
GATE.TIME Arpeggiator Gate Time
OCT.RANGE Arpeggiator Octave Range
ARP.SWING Arpeggiator Swing
VC T1.LVL Vocoder Timbre 1 Level
VC T2.LVL Vocoder Timbre 2 Level
VC.HPF.LVL Vocoder HPF Level
VC.FC.OFST Vocoder Fc Offset
VC RESO Vocoder Resonance
VC.EF.SENS Vocoder E.F.Sens
VC.FC.MINT Vocoder Fc Modulation Intensity
VC.DIR.LVL Vocoder Direct Level
VC LEVEL Vocoder Level
Parameter Guide