Parameter Guide

EQ (Equalizer)

Low EQ Frequency High EQ Frequency
Here you can adjust the equalizer settings. The equalizer is a shelving type.
LO FREQ (Low EQ Frequency).......................................... [0020…1000Hz]
Specifies the frequency of the low equalizer.
LO GAIN (Low EQ Gain) ............................................... [–15.0…+15.0dB]
Specifies the gain of the low equalizer.
Positive (+) values boost the region below the cutoff frequency.
Negative (–) values cut the region below the cutoff frequency.
HI FREQ (High EQ Frequency)......................................... [1.00…20.0kHz]
Specifies the cutoff frequency of the high equalizer.
HI GAIN (High EQ Gain)............................................... [–15.0…+15.0dB]
Specifies the gain of the high equalizer.
Positive (+) values boost the region above the cutoff frequency.
Negative (–) values cut the region above the cutoff frequency.

MST FX1, MST FX2 (Master effect 1, 2)

In On this page you can adjust settings for the master effects.
You can choose from seventeen types.
[FX.TYPE] ........................................................... [“FX OFF.” ... GRAIN.SFT]
This selects the effect type used by the master effect. For details on the
available effects, refer to page 63 “Effect guide”.
[CTRL-1] ..................................................................... [MST FX PARAM...]
[CTRL-2] ..................................................................... [MST FX PARAM...]
These specify the parameters that will be controlled by knobs [1]–[3] when
you set the [KNOB FUNCTION SELECT] dial to ASSIGN or EFFECT. For
details on knob assignments for effect parameters, refer to page 63 “Effect
knob assignments”.
Parameter Guide