Effect guide
B1 FREQ (B1 Frequency).................................................. [20Hz…20kHz]
Sets the center frequency of Band 1.
B1 Q ..................................................................................[00.5…10.0]
Sets the bandwidth of Band 1.
B1 GAIN ............................................................... [–18.0…+18.0dB]
Sets the gain of Band 1.
B2 FREQ (B2 Frequency).................................................. [20Hz…20kHz]
Sets the center frequency of Band 2.
B2 Q ..................................................................................[00.5…10.0]
Sets the bandwidth of Band 2.
B2 GAIN ............................................................... [–18.0…+18.0dB]
Sets the gain of Band 2.
B3 FREQ (B3 Frequency).................................................. [20Hz…20kHz]
Sets the center frequency of Band 3.
B3 Q ..................................................................................[00.5…10.0]
Sets the bandwidth of Band 3.
B3 GAIN ............................................................... [–18.0…+18.0dB]
Sets the gain of Band 3.
OUT.LEVEL (Output Level)......................................................[000…127]
Sets the output level.

5. DECIMATR (Stereo Decimator)

Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Stereo In - Stereo Out
High Damp Output Level
High Damp Output Level
Sampling Frequency
This effect creates a rough sound like a cheap sampler by lowering the
sampling frequency and data bit length. You can also simulate noise unique
to a sampler (aliasing).
DRY/WET...................................................... ["DRY", 99:1…1:99, "WET"]
Sets the balance between the effect and dry sounds.
PRE LPF....................................................................................[OFF, ON]
Selects whether the harmonic noise caused by a decrease in sampling fre-
quency is generated or not.
If a sampler with a very low sampling frequency receives very high-pitched
sound that could not be heard during playback, it could generate pitch
noise that is unrelated to the original sound. Set “PRE LPF” to ON to pre-
vent this noise from being generated.
If you set the “FS” to about 3kHz and set “PRE LPF” to OFF, you can create
a sound like a ring modulator.
HI DAMP ...........................................................................[000…100%]
Sets the ratio of cut from the high range.
FS ........................................................................... [01.0…48.0kHz]
Sets the sampling frequency.
BIT .................................................................................[04…24bit]
Sets the data bit length.
If you set a smaller value for the “BIT” parameter, the sound may be dis-
The volume level may also be changed. Use “OUT.LEVEL” to adjust the
OUT.LEVEL (Output Level)..................................................... [000…127]
Sets the output level.
Effect Guide