microKORG XL

FS.MOD.INT (Fs Modulation Intensity) ...............................[–63…+63]

Sets the depth of sampling frequency LFO modulation.

LFO SYNC (LFO Tempo Sync) .......................................................[OFF, ON]

Specifies whether the LFO cycle will synchronize to the tempo specified by
the [TEMPO] knob or MIDI clock.J p. 66 “LFO SYNC (LFO Tempo Sync)”

LFO FREQ (LFO Frequency) ........................................ [0.01…100.0Hz]

Sets the LFO speed.
This parameter will be displayed and can be set if “MOD SRC” is LFO
and “LFO SYNC” is Off.
p. 66 “LFO FREQ (LFO Frequency)”

SYNC.NOTE (LFO Sync Note) .............................................. [8/1…1/64]

Sets the LFO frequency as a proportion of the tempo set by the [TEMPO]
This parameter will be displayed and can be set if “LFO SYNC” is
p. 66 “SYNC.NOTE (LFO Sync Note)”

LFO WAVE (LFO Waveform) ............... [SAW, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, SINE, S&H]

Selects the LFO waveform.
J p. 66 “LFO WAVE (LFO Waveform)”

LFO.SHAPE ..........................................................................[–63…+63]

Adjusts the shape of the LFO waveform.
J p. 66 “LFO.SHAPE”

KEY SYNC (LFO KeySync) ............................................................[OFF, ON]

Specifies whether the LFO will be reset at note-on.
This parameter will be displayed and can be set if “MOD SRC” is LFO.
J p. 67 “KEY SYNC (LFO KeySync)”

INI.PHASE (LFO Init Phase) ...................................................[000…180°]

Specifies the starting position of the waveform.
This parameter will be displayed and can be set if “KEY SYNC” is ON.

6. DELAY (Stereo Delay)

Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Stereo In - Stereo Out
High Damp
High Damp
This is a stereo delay, and can by used as a cross-feedback delay effect in
which the delay sounds cross over between the left and right by changing
the feedback routing.
DRY/WET...................................................... ["DRY", 99:1…1:99, "WET"]
Sets the balance between the effect and dry sounds.

TYPE............................................................................. [STEREO, CROSS]

Selects the delay type.
With the STEREO setting, this will be a conventional stereo delay.
With the CROSS setting, this will be a cross-feedback delay in which the
delay sound bounces between left and right.

BPM SYNC (DelayTime Tempo Sync)............................................[OFF, ON]

Specifies whether the delay time will be synchronized.
If this is On, the delay time will synchronize to the tempo or MIDI clock.

TM RATIO ................................[BPM SYNC OFF: 000.5…400.0% (OVER)

/BPM SYNC ON: 012.5…400.0% (OVER)]

Sets each delay time as a proportion relative to the “L DELAY,” and “R
DELAY” values.
The available range will depend on whether “BPM SYNC” is ON or OFF.
For example if “TM RATIO” is 50%, “L DELAY” is 500 msec, and “R DELAY”
is 1200 msec, the delay times will be 250 msec, 500 msec, and 600 msec
If the delay times in conjunction with the “TM RATIO” setting exceed
the limit, “TM RATIO” will indicate .

L DELAY, R DELAY (L, R Delay Time) ................ [000…1400ms, 1/64… 1/1]

These set the left and right channel delay times.
If “BPM SYNC” is Off, these delay times are set in msec units.
If “BPM SYNC” is On, these delay times are set as a timing resolution rela-
tive to the tempo specified by the [TEMPO] knob or MIDI clock.