microKORG XL

Program change, Bank select

Program change [Cn, pp]

(n: channel, pp: program number)
When you switch programs, a program change message with a program
number for the corresponding program 1–128 (A11–B88) will be transmit-
If you want program changes to be transmitted and received, set the MIDI
FLT page “PROG CHG” to ENABLE. If this is set to DISABLE, program
change messages will not be transmitted or received.

Bank select MSB (CC#00) [Bn, 00, mm]

Bank select LSB (CC#32) [Bn, 20, bb]

(n: channel, mm: bank number upper bytes, bb: bank number lower bytes)
When you switch programs in Play mode, Bank Select and Program
Change messages are transmitted.
You can use Bank select and program change messages to switch the set-
tings of an individual timbre used by a program to the settings of another
timbre, one used by a different program. These messages are received on
the MIDI channel of the timbre selected by TIMBRE SELECT.

Pitch bend

Pitch bend change [En, bb, mm]

(n: channel, bb: lower digits of value, mm: upper digits of value)
When pitch bend change messages are received, a pitch bend will occur
according to the PITCH page “P.BEND” value. Pitch bend can also be used
in a Virtual Patch (PATCH1–PATCH6 page) for a synth program, as a mod-
ulation source for a vocoder program (VC FILT page), or as a control
source for a effect parameters. In this case, the message will act as a mod-
ulation source where mm=64, bb=00 will be 0 (center value) for the range
of –127 – +127. (This message is received on the timbre channel.)
When you move the [PITCH] wheel on the microKORG XL, pitch bend
change messages are transmitted on the Global MIDI channel.
If you want pitch bend changes to be transmitted and received, set the MIDI
FLT page “P.BEND” to ENABLE. If this is set to DISABLE, pitch bend
change messages will not be transmitted or received.

Control changes

Control changes [Bn, cc, vv]

(n: channel, cc: control change no., vv: value)
When you use knobs [1]–[3] to edit certain parameters, or when you oper-
ate certain buttons or the [MOD] wheel, the assigned control change will be
transmitted. Conversely, when control change numbers corresponding to
the knob [1]–[3] settings are received, the corresponding controller or
parameter will be controlled.
If you want control changes to be transmitted and received, set the MIDI
FLT page “CTRL CHG” to Enable. If this is set to Disable, control change
messages will not be transmitted or received.
Use the CC MAP page to assign control change messages to parame-

Modulation depth (CC#01) [Bn, 01, vv]

When a modulation depth message is received, the LFO2 vibrato depth will
change according to the value specified for PITCH “VIB INT.” If the value of
the received message is the maximum value (127), vibrato will be applied
over the full pitch range specified by “VIB INT.” If the value of the received
message is 0, no vibrato will apply.
When you move the microKORG XL’s [MOD] wheel, modulation depth
messages are transmitted on the Global MIDI channel.

Volume (CC#07) [Bn, 07, vv]

If you assign the control change Volume (CC#07) to “LEVEL” in the CC
MAP page, incoming Volume messages will control the volume.

Panpot (CC#10) [Bn, 0A, vv]

If you assign the control change Panpot (CC#10) to “PANPOT” in the CC
MAP page, incoming Panpot messages will control the stereo position of
the sound.
Bank (CC#00) MSB Bank (CC#32) LSB Program Change value Bank&Prog Number
00 00 000–127 (00–7F) A11–B88
Bank (CC#00) MSB Bank (CC#32) LSB Program Change value Timbre Number
32 32 000–127 (00–7F) A11–B88 Timbre 1
32 33 000–127 (00–7F) A11–B88 Timbre 2