microKORG XL


Here you can assign the parameter that will be controlled by knobs [1]–[3]
when you set the [KNOB FUNCTION SELECT] dial to ASSIGN.
You can make assignments for knobs [1]–[3] independently for timbre 1 and
timbre 2; the knobs will control the timbre that’s selected by the [TIMBRE
SELECT] lever.
With the factory settings, suitable parameters are already assigned to the

ASSIGN ................................................................... [ASSIGN1...ASSIGN3]

Select the knob to which you want to assign a parameter.
ASSIGN1: Assign a parameter to knob [1].
ASSIGN2: Assign a parameter to knob [2].
ASSIGN3: Assign a parameter to knob [3].

Parameter ............................................................................................

Select the parameter assigned to the knob.
Display Parameter Name
------ No Assign
PORTMNTO Portamento
OSC1 C1 OSC1 Control 1
OSC1 C2 OSC1 Control 2
OSC2.SEMI OSC2 Semitone
OSC1 LVL OSC 1 Level
OSC2 LVL OSC 2 Level
NOISE.LVL Noise Level
CUTOFF1 Filter 1 Cutoff
RESO1 Filter 1 Resonance
FILT1.BAL Filter 1 Balance
EG1 INT1 Filter 1 EG 1 Intensity
CUTOFF2 Filter 2 Cutoff
RESO2 Filter 2 Resonance
EG1 INT2 Filter 2 EG 1 Intensity
WS DEPTH Wave Shape Depth
ATTACK1 Attack Time EG 1
DECAY1 Decay Time EG 1
SUSTAIN1 Sustain Level EG 1
RELEASE1 Release Time EG 1
ATTACK2 Attack Time EG 2
DECAY2 Decay Time EG 2
SUSTAIN2 Sustain Level EG 2
RELEASE2 Release Time EG 2
LFO1.FREQ/LFO1.NOTE LFO 1 Frequency/Sync Note
LFO2.FREQ/LFO2.NOTE LFO 2 Frequency/Sync Note
P.INT1 Virtual Patch Intensity 1
P.INT2 Virtual Patch Intensity 2
P.INT3 Virtual Patch Intensity 3
P.INT4 Virtual Patch Intensity 4
P.INT5 Virtual Patch Intensity 5
P.INT6 Virtual Patch Intensity 6
HI.EQ.GAIN High EQ Frequency
LO.EQ.GAIN Low EQ Frequency
FX1 D/W FX 1 Dry/Wet
FX1.CTRL1 FX 1 Control 1
FX1.CTRL2 FX 1 Control 2
FX2 D/W FX 2 Dry/Wet