microKORG XL

PUNCH.LVL (Punch Level) ......................................................[000…127]

Creates a more “snappy” attack by adjusting the amount of pulse waveform
that is added to the oscillator output only during the attack. Increasing this
value will emphasize the attack.


The filter section changes the tonal character of the oscillators by passing
only the desired portion of the sound - either above (Low Pass), below
(High-Pass), or centered on (Band Pass) the cutoff frequency. The
microKORG XL has two filters (filter 1 and filter 2), and you can change
their routing to create more complex filter sounds.

CUTOFF (Filter1 Cutoff) .......................................................... [000...127]

Sets the cutoff frequency.
Increasing this value will raise the cutoff frequency.
“CUTOFF” can be varied by time-variant changes produced by EG1, by
keyboard playing dynamics (velocity), and by note location (keyboard track-
If the “CUTOFF” value is set too low, the volume may be extremely
low, or you may hear no sound at all.

RESO (Filter1 Resonance)....................................................... [000...127]


Low resonance value High resonance value

Sets the resonance of the filter. This will emphasize the overtones near the
cutoff frequency that is specified by “CUTOFF,” adding a distinctive charac-
ter to the sound. Increasing this value will increase the effect. Since move-
ment of the “CUTOFF” knob will affect the overtones that are boosted by
resonance, it is best to adjust “CUTOFF” and “RESO” in conjunction with
each other.
Depending on the cutoff frequency or the input audio, increasing this
value may cause distortion.

TYPE BAL (Filter1 Balance) .............[LPF24…LPF12…HPF…BPF…THRU]

Selects the filter type. Intermediate settings will produce a response that is
between the two filter types.
LPF12 (–12dB/oct), LPF24 (–24dB/oct): Low Pass Filter.
HPF (–12dB/oct): High Pass Filter.
BPF (–6dB/oct): Band Pass Filter.
THRU: The sound will output directly, without passing through the filter.
LPF (Low Pass Filter) is the most common
type of filter; it passes the frequencies below
the cutoff frequency and cuts the region
above. Raising the cutoff frequency (“CUT-
OFF” value) will produce a brighter tone.
HPF (High Pass Filter) passes the frequencies
above the cutoff frequency and cuts the region
below. Use this when you want to make the
tone thinner. However, raising the cutoff fre-
quency too far will drastically reduce the vol-
BPF (Band Pass Filter) passes the frequen-
cies in the region of the cutoff frequency, and
cuts all other frequency regions. Use this when
you want to emphasize only a specific portion
of the sound.
LPF (Low Pass Filter)
HPF (High Pass Filter)
BPF (Band Pass Filter)