microKORG XL

ARP.STEP (Arpeggiator Step)

Here you can turn each step of the arpeggio pattern on/off. This is a way to
give more variety to arpeggios that might become boring.

TRIGGER .................................................................................. [OFF, ON]

Note status:
O: Will sound
--: Won’t sound
Specify the on/off status of each step 1–8.
The number of available steps is specified by the “LAST.STEP” setting.
– (OFF): The note at this step will not sound.
O (ON): The note at this step will sound.

3. Edit utility parameters


Here are program-related utility functions.

INIT.PROG (INITIALIZE PROGRAM)............................................................

This initializes the settings of the selected program. (J p. 28)

COPY.TMBR (COPY TIMBRE) .....................................................................

This copies timbre settings from another program to a timbre of the cur-
rently selected program. (J p. 28)