Flash Memory Upgrade
2.Under the “Step 1 ± Communications” area, set the definitions on the screen as follows:
COM Port: select the active COM port on your computer
Baud Rate: 19200
Device: LPC2368
Interface: None (ISP)
Oscillator Freq. (MHz): 12.000
3.Under the “Step 2 ± Erase” area, check the “Erase all Flash+Code Rd Prot” box.
4.Under the “Step 3 ± Hex File” area select the hex file. For example, select
5.Under the “Step 4 ± Options” area, check the “Verify after programming” box.
6.In order to verify communication, select "Read device signature" from the ISP menu. You should get a response as the example below:
7.Under the “Step 5 ± Start!” area, press the start button and wait for the completion of the process.
8.Close the “Flash Magic” window.
9.Turn the power OFF on the
10.Disconnect the
11.On the underside panel, slide the switch to NORMAL.
12.Turn the power ON on the