3.3 Setup for Out-of-band (Console) Management
Before doing any in-band management, it is necessary to perform con-
sole operation for configuring IP and SNMP related settings for the first
time the system is received for installation. The console port is located
on the SNMP module.
Any PC running Windows can be used as a console via COM port.
Windows Hyper Terminal program is a n ideal and the most popular soft-
ware for such console terminal operations.
To setup console operation, the steps are:
1. Find a proper RS-232 cable for the connection to a console terminal.
If your are using PC as a terminal, make sure the cable pin assign-
ments comply to the following requirement.
Console port 9-pin PC COM port
Pin2 RXD -------------------------------- 3
3 TXD -------------------------------- 2
4 DTR -------------------------------- 6
5 GND -------------------------------- 5
6 DSR -------------------------------- 4