Show or clear statistics for the port. <portlist>: Port list (default: All ports).
[clear] : Clear port statistics (default: Show statistics).
7.7.4 MAC Table Commands
Commands at MAC level:
MAC Configuration
MAC Add <macaddress> <portlist>none [<vid>]
MAC Delete <macaddress> [<vid>]
MAC Lookup <macaddress> [<vid>]
MAC Flush
MAC Agetime [<agetime>]
1. MAC Configuration
MAC Configuration Description:
Show the permanently stored MAC table and the MAC ageing timer.
2. MAC Add
MAC Add <macaddress> <portlist>none [<vid>] Description:
Add a static MAC address table entry and VLAN ID on ports.
<macaddress>: MAC address,
<portlist> : Port list. Use ”none” to specify no ports.
[<vid>] : VLAN ID,
3. MAC Delete
MAC Delete <macaddress> [<vid>] Description:
Delete MAC address and VLAN ID.
<macaddress>: MAC address,
[<vid>] : VLAN ID (default: 1).
4. MAC Lookup
MAC Lookup <macaddress> [<vid>]
Lookup MAC address and VLAN ID.
<macaddress>: MAC address,
[<vid>] : VLAN ID,