Status / Job Cancel
A job result icon is displayed on the extreme right of each
u : Job completed normally
v : Job error
t : Job aborted
NOTE: For details of other items, refer to Print Job Status
Screen on page 7-2.
Press the OK key or [Detail] (the Right Select key) to
check the detailed information of the selected print log.
Press the Y or Z key to switch the display to other
information items. The items displayed are as follows:
Accepted Time
End Time
Job Name
Job Type
User Name
Page and Copy
(number of pages and copies to be printed)
Original Page (number of pages of the original)
Sender Info. (destination information)
When complete job name not displayed in detailed information
When the job name in Job Name is displayed in a short form, press [Detail] (the Right Select key) to see the complete
job name. Press the OK key to return to the original screen.
When complete destination information not displayed in detailed information
Press [Detail] (the Right Select key) in Sender Info. to see the complete destination information. Press the OK key
to return to the original screen.
0006 Detail:
Result: 1/9