Lanier LP 036c operating instructions Default Printer

Models: LP 036c

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Operating Instructions Client Reference


G Check [Printer Name] to select the model(s) of printer you want to use.

To change the printer name, change it in the [Change settings for 'Printer Name'] box.

H Double-click the printer name to display the printer settings.


The details shown for [Comment:], [Driver:], and [Port:] vary depending on the operating system being used, the model of printer selected, and the port being used.

I Select [Port:], and then click [Add].

J Select [Network Printer], and then click [OK].

K Double-click the computer name you want to use as a print server in the "Browse for Printer" window.

L Select the printer you want to use, and then click [OK].

M Make sure the location for the selected printer is shown after [Port:].

N Configure the default printer as necessary.

Default Printer

Check [Default Printer] to set the printer as the default printer.

O Click [Continue] to start printer driver installation.


During installation, the [Hardware Installation] dialog box may appear. In this case, click [Continue Anyway] to continue the installation.

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Lanier LP 036c operating instructions Default Printer