Lanier LP 036c operating instructions Click to select the icon of the printer you want to use

Models: LP 036c

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Operating Instructions Client Reference


-If a message is displayed during installation of the printer driver

When there is a driver in the computer that is newer than the one currently being installed, a message dialog box appears.

In such a case, you cannot install with the Auto Run program. Use the driver that was used in installing the driver that is displayed in the message, and reinstall with [Add Printer].

AAccess the [Printers and Faxes] window from [Start] on the taskbar.

BDouble-click the [Add Printer] icon.

CFollow the wizard to install the driver.

If the printer driver disk is a CD-ROM, the sources of installation are as follows. If the installer starts up, click [Cancel] to quit it.



Making printer default settings - Printing Preferences Properties


To change the printer settings requires Manage Printers permission. Members of the Administrators and Power Users groups have Manage Printers permission by default. When you set up options, log on using an account that has Manage Printers permission.

A Access the [Printers and Faxes] window from [Start] on the taskbar.

The [Pritners and Faxes] window appears.

B Click to select the icon of the printer you want to use.

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Lanier LP 036c operating instructions Click to select the icon of the printer you want to use