3: Getting Started
Setting Description
Telnet Port Non-configurable field. Displays the UDS2100’s port for telnet
Web Enabled Non-configurable field. Permits configuration through Web-
Web Port Non-configurable field. Displays the UDS2100’s port for Web-
Manager configuration.
Maximum Baud Rate
Non-configurable field. Displays the UDS2100’s maximum
baud rate.
Note: The UDS2100 may not currently be running at this rate.
Firmware Upgradeable Non-configurable field. Displays True, indicating the
UDS2100’s firmware is upgradeable as newer version
become available.
Supports Configurable
Non-configurable field. Displays False.
Supports Email Triggers Non-configurable field. Displays False.
Supports AES Data
Non-configurable field. Displays False.
Supports 485 Non-configurable field. Displays True. The UDS2100 supports
the RS-485 protocol.
Supports 920K Baud Rate Non-configurable field. Displays True. UDS2100 supports a
baud rate of 921600.
Supports HTTP Server Non-configurable field. Displays True.
Supports HTTP Setup Non-configurable field. Displays True.
Supports 230K Baud Rate Non-configurable field. Displays True. UDS2100 supports a
baud rate of 230400.
Supports GPIO Non-configurable field. Displays False.
Next Step You have the following options:
To configure the unit using a Web browser:
1. Click the Web Configuration tab.
2. Do one of the following:
To view the Web Manager in the current DeviceInstaller window, click the Go
To open the Web Manager in a web browser, click the External Browser
The Web Manager displays. A user and password dialog box displays.
3. By default, no user and password are configured, so just press OK.
4. Continue with
4: Configuration Using Web Manager.
UDS2100 User Guide 19